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K. Baber, PhD thesis, 2014: [Coupling free flow and flow in porous media in biological and technical applications: from a simple to a complex interface description] (http://elib.uni-stuttgart.de/handle/11682/611?locale=en)
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T. Fetzer, K. Smits, R. Helmig, Transport in Porous Media, 2016: [Effect of Turbulence and Roughness on Coupled Porous-Medium/Free-Flow Exchange Processes] (http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11242-016-0654-6)
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M. Fritsch, Msc Thesis, 2014: Analysis of Processes and Properties at a Porous-Medium Free-Flow Interface with the Application of Evaporation.
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J. Hommel, E.G. Lauchnor, A.J. Phillips, R. Gerlach, A.B. Cunningham, R. Helmig, A. Ebigbo, H. Class: A revised model for model for microbially induced calcite precipitation: Improvements.. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/2014WR016503/full
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J. Hommel, E.G. Lauchnor, R. Gerlach, A.B. Cunningham, A. Ebigbo, R. Helmig, H. Class: Investigating the influence of the initial biomass distribution and injection strategies on ... http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs11242-015-0617-3
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V.A. Jambhekar, R. Helmig, N. Schröder, N. Shokri, Transport in Porous Media, 2015: Free-Flow--Porous-Media Coupling for Evaporation-Driven Transport and Precipitation of Salt in Soil
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J. Lache, BSc Thesis, 2015: Entwicklung und Auslegung eines thermischen Frostschutzverfahrens.
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P. Samantray, Msc Thesis, 2014: Implementation of advanced algebraic turbulence models on a staggered grid.
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N. Schwenck, PhD thesis, 2015: [An XFEM-based model for fluid flow in fractured porous media] (http://elib.uni-stuttgart.de/handle/11682/638?locale=en)
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G. Seitz, MSc thesis, 2014: The influence of induced fractures on the stress field of a coupled flow and geomechanics scenario.
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E. Shigorina, MSc thesis, 2014: Numerical investigation of microbially induced calcite precipitation at field scale.
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T. Fetzer, J. Vanderborght, K. Mosthaf, K.M. Smits, and R. Helmig, WRR, 2017: Heat and water transport in soils and across the soil-atmosphere interface - Part 2: Numerical analysis.
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K. Weishaupt, A. Bordenave, O. Atteia, H. Class, Transport in Porous Media, 2016: [Numerical Investigation on the Benefits of Preheating for an Increased Thermal Radius of Influence...] (http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11242-016-0624-z)
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S. Ackermann, Forschungsmodul II, 2015: Analysis of the iterative Dirichlet-Neumann coupling method for the Poisson problem.
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T. Kurz, BSc thesis, 2015: Numerische Untersuchung des Einflusses von Heterogenitäten im porösen Medium auf mikrobiell induzierte Kalzitausfällung.
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J. Hommel, PhD thesis, 2016: Modeling biogeochemical and mass transport processes in the subsurface: Investigation of microbially induced calcite precipitation.
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M. Feil, BSc Thesis, 2015: Untersuchungen zu Möglichkeiten der Wärmespeicherung bei der adiabaten Druckluftspeicherung.