title: Introduction to DuMu^x^
subtitle: Overview and Available Models
# Table of Contents
## Table of Contents
1. [Structure and Development History](#structure-and-development-history)
2. [Mathematical Models](#available-models)
3. [Spatial Discretization](#spatial-discretization)
4. [Model Components](#model-components)
5. [Simulation Flow](#simulation-flow)
## DuMu^x^ is a DUNE module
<img src="img/dumux_dune_module.png"/>
## The DUNE Framework
* **Developed** by scientists at around 10 European research institutions.
* **Separation** of data structures and algorithms by abstract interfaces.
* Efficient implementation using **generic** programming techniques.
* **Reuse** of existing FE packages with a large body of functionality.
* Current stable release: **2.9** (November 2022).
## DUNE Core Modules
* **dune-common:** basic classes
* **dune-geometry:** geometric entities
* **dune-grid:** abstract grid/mesh interface
* **dune-istl:** iterative solver template library
* **dune-localfunctions:** finite element shape functions
## Overview
<img src="img/dumux.png" width="300"/>
* **DuMu^x^:** DUNE for Multi-{Phase, Component, Scale, Physics, $\text{...}$} flow and transport in porous media.
* **Goal:** **sustainable, consistent, research-friendly framework** for the implementation and application of
**FV discretization schemes**, **model concepts**, and **constitutive relations**.
* **Developed** by more than 30 PhD students and post docs, mostly at LH^2^ (Uni Stuttgart).
<div style="text-align: left">
**Successfully applied** to
* gas (CO~2~, H~2~, CH~4~, $\text{...}$) storage scenarios
* environmental remediation problems
* transport of substances in biological tissue
* subsurface-atmosphere coupling (Navier-Stokes / Darcy)
* flow and transport in fractured porous media
* root-soil interaction
* pore-network modelling
* developing new finite volume schemes
* [**dumux-lecture**]( example applications for lectures offered by LH^2^, Uni Stuttgart
* [**dumux-pub/---**]( code and data accompanying a publication (reproduce and archive results)
* [**dumux-appl/---**]( Various application modules (many not publicly available, e.g. ongoing research)
* 01/2007: Development **starts**.
* 07/2009: Release **1.0**.
* 09/2010: **Split** into stable and development part.
* 12/2010: Anonymous **read access** to the **SVN** trunk of the stable part.
* 02/2011: Release **2.0,** $\text{...}$, 10/2017: Release **2.12**.
* 12/2018: Release **3.0,** $\text{...}$, 07/2024: Release **3.9**.
## Funding
Efforts mainly funded through ressources at the LH^2^: [Department of Hydromechanics and Modelling of Hydrosystems at the University of Stuttgart](
and third-party funding aquired at the LH^2^
<img src="img/lh2.jpeg" width="300"/>
## Funding
We acknowledge funding that supported the development of DuMu^x^ in past and present:
* More than 250 peer-reviewed [**publications**]( and [PhD theses]( using DuMu^x^.
<img src="img/files_vs_releases.png" width="600"/>
<img src="img/lines_vs_releases.png" width="600"/>
## Mailing Lists and GitLab
* **Mailing lists** of DUNE (<>) and DuMu^x^ (<>)
* GitLab **Issue Tracker** (<>)
* Get **GitLab** accounts (non-anonymous) for better access
* DUNE GitLab (<>)
* DuMu^x^ GitLab (<>)
## Documentation
* DuMu^x^ (<>)
* DuMu^x^ **Examples** (<>)
* DuMu^x^ **Website** (<>)
Preimplemented models:
* **Flow in porous media (Darcy)**: Single and multi-phase models for flow and transport in porous materials.
* **Free flow (Navier-Stokes)**: Single-phase models based on the Navier-Stokes equations.
* **Shallow water flow**: Two-dimensional shallow water flow (depth-averaged).
* **Geomechanics**: Models taking into account solid deformation of porous materials.
* **Pore network**: Single and multi-phase models for flow and transport in pore networks.
<img src="img/models.png" width="650"/>
## Darcy's law
* Describes the advective flux in porous media on the macro-scale
\mathbf{v} = - \frac{\mathbf{K}}{\mu} \left(\textbf{grad}\, p - \varrho \mathbf{g} \right)
\mathbf{v}_\alpha = - \frac{k_{r\alpha}}{\mu_\alpha} \mathbf{K} \left(\textbf{grad}\, p_\alpha - \varrho_\alpha \mathbf{g} \right)
where $k_{r\alpha}(S_\alpha)$ is the relative permeability, a function of saturation $S_\alpha$.
* For non-creeping flow, Forchheimer's law is available as an alternative.
* Uses standard Darcy approach for the conservation of momentum by default
\frac{\partial\left( \phi \varrho \right)}{\partial t} + \text{div} \left( \varrho \mathbf{v} \right) = q
* Further details can be found in the corresponding [documentation](
## 1pnc -- Single-Phase, Multi-Component
* Uses standard Darcy approach for the conservation of momentum by default
* Transport of component $\kappa \in \{\text{H2O}, \text{Air}, ...\}$
\frac{\partial\left( \phi \varrho X^\kappa \right)}{\partial t} + \text{div} \left( \varrho X^\kappa \mathbf{v} - \varrho D^\kappa_\text{pm} \textbf{grad} X^\kappa \right) = q
* Closure relation: $\sum_\kappa X^\kappa = 1$
* Primary variables: $p$ and $X^\kappa$
* Further details can be found in the corresponding [documentation](
* Transport equation for each component $\kappa \in \{\text{H2O}, \text{Air}, ...\}$
\frac{\partial \left( \varrho_f X^\kappa \phi \right)}{\partial t} + \text{div} \left( \varrho_f X^\kappa \mathbf{v} - \mathbf{D_\text{pm}^\kappa} \varrho_f \textbf{grad}\, X^\kappa \right) = q_\kappa
\frac{\partial \left(\varrho_\lambda \phi_\lambda \right)}{\partial t} = q_\lambda
* Primary variables: $p$, $X^k$ and $\phi_\lambda$
* Further details can be found in the corresponding [documentation](
* Uses standard multi-phase Darcy approach for the conservation of momentum by default
* Conservation of the phase mass of phase $\alpha \in \{\text{w}, \text{n}\}$
\frac{\partial \left(\phi \varrho_\alpha S_\alpha \right)}{\partial t} + \text{div} \left(\varrho_\alpha \mathbf{v}_\alpha \right) = q_\alpha
* Constitutive relations: $p_\text{c} := p_\text{n} - p_\text{w} = p_\text{c}(S_\text{w})$, $k_{r\alpha}$ = $k_{r\alpha}(S_\text{w})$
* Physical constraint (void space filled with fluid phases): $S_\text{w} + S_\text{n} = 1$
* Primary variables: $p_\text{w}$, $S_\text{n}$ or $p_\text{n}$, $S_\text{w}$
* Further details can be found in the corresponding [documentation](
* Transport equation for each component $\kappa \in \{\text{H2O}, \text{Air}, ...\}$ in phase $\alpha \in \{\text{w}, \text{n}\}$
\frac{\partial \left( \sum_\alpha \varrho_\alpha X_\alpha^\kappa \phi S_\alpha \right)}{\partial t} &+ \sum_\alpha \text{div}\left( \varrho_\alpha X_\alpha^\kappa \mathbf{v}_\alpha - \mathbf{D_{\alpha, pm}^\kappa} \varrho_\alpha \textbf{grad}\, X^\kappa_\alpha \right) = \sum_\alpha q_\alpha^\kappa
* Constitutive relation: $p_\text{c} := p_\text{n} - p_\text{w} = p_\text{c}(S_\text{w})$, $k_{r\alpha}$ = $k_{r\alpha}(S_\text{w})$
* Physical constraints: $S_\text{w} + S_\text{n} = 1$ and $\sum_\kappa X_\alpha^\kappa = 1$
* Primary variables: depending on the phase state
* Further details can be found in the corresponding [documentation](
* Transport equation for each component $\kappa \in \{\text{H2O}, \text{Air}, ...\}$
\frac{\partial \left( \sum_\alpha \varrho_\alpha X_\alpha^\kappa \phi S_\alpha \right)}{\partial t} &+ \sum_\alpha \text{div}\left( \varrho_\alpha X_\alpha^\kappa \mathbf{v}_\alpha - \mathbf{D_{\alpha, pm}^\kappa} \varrho_\alpha \textbf{grad}\, X^\kappa_\alpha \right)= \sum_\alpha q_\alpha^\kappa
\frac{\partial \left(\varrho_\lambda \phi_\lambda \right)}{\partial t} = q_\lambda \quad \forall \lambda \in \Lambda
for a set of solid phases $\Lambda$ each with volume fraction $\varrho_\lambda$
* Source term models **dissolution/precipiation/phase transition** fluid ↔ solid
* Further details can be found in the corresponding [documentation](
* Uses standard multi-phase Darcy approach for the conservation of momentum by default
* Conservation of the phase mass of phase $\alpha \in \{\text{w}, \text{g}, \text{n}\}$
\frac{\partial \left( \phi \varrho_\alpha S_\alpha \right)}{\partial t} - \text{div} \left( \varrho_\alpha \mathbf{v}_\alpha \right) = q_\alpha
* Physical constraint: $S_\text{w} + S_\text{n} + S_g = 1$
* Primary variables: $p_\text{g}$, $S_\text{w}$, $S_\text{n}$
* Further details can be found in the corresponding [documentation](
* Transport equation for each component $\kappa \in \{\text{H2O}, \text{Air}, \text{NAPL}\}$ in phase $\alpha \in \{\text{w}, \text{g}, \text{n}\}$
\frac{\partial \left( \phi \sum_\alpha \varrho_{\alpha,\text{mol}} x_\alpha^\kappa S_\alpha \right)}{\partial t}&+ \sum_\alpha \text{div} \left( \varrho_{\alpha,\text{mol}} x_\alpha^\kappa \mathbf{v}_\alpha - D_\text{pm}^\kappa \frac{1}{M_\kappa} \varrho_\alpha \textbf{grad} X^\kappa_{\alpha} \right) = q^\kappa
* Physical constraints: $\sum_\alpha S_\alpha = 1$ and $\sum_\kappa x^\kappa_\alpha = 1$
* Primary variables: depend on the locally present fluid phases
* Further details can be found in the corresponding [documentation](
## Other Porous-Medium Flow Models
* For other porous-medium flow models, we refer to the Doxygen documentation:
- [2p1c](
- [2p2c](
- [3pwateroil](
- [co2](
- [mpnc](
- [nonequilibrium](
- [richards](
- [richardsnc](
- [tracer](
## Non-Isothermal (Equilibrium)
* Local thermal equilibrium assumption
* One energy conservation equation for the porous solid matrix and the fluids
\begin{aligned}\frac{\partial \left( \phi \sum_\alpha \varrho_\alpha u_\alpha S_\alpha \right)}{\partial t} &+ \frac{\partial \left(\left(1 - \phi \right)\varrho_s c_s T \right)}{\partial t}
+ \sum_\alpha \text{div} \left( \varrho_\alpha h_\alpha \mathbf{v}_\alpha \right)
- \text{div} \left(\lambda_\text{pm} \textbf{grad}\, T \right) = q^h \end{aligned}
* Specific internal energy $u_\alpha = h_\alpha - p_\alpha / \varrho_\alpha$
* Can be added to other models, additional primary variable temperature $T$
* Further details can be found in the corresponding [documentation](
* Stokes equation
* Navier-Stokes equations
* Energy and component transport
## Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS)
* Momentum balance equation for a single-phase, isothermal RANS model
\frac{\partial \left(\varrho \textbf{v} \right)}{\partial t} + \nabla \cdot \left(\varrho \textbf{v} \textbf{v}^{\text{T}} \right) = \nabla \cdot \left(\mu_\textrm{eff} \left(\nabla \textbf{v} + \nabla \textbf{v}^{\text{T}} \right) \right)
- \nabla p + \varrho \textbf{g} - \textbf{f}
* The effective viscosity is composed of the fluid and the eddy viscosity
\mu_\textrm{eff} = \mu + \mu_\textrm{t}
* Various turbulence models are implemented
* More details can be found in the [Doxygen documentation](
## Other Models
* For other models, we refer to the Doxygen documentation:
- [Shallow water](
- [Geomechanics](
- [Pore network](
## Your Model Equations?
## Cell-centered Finite Volume Methods
* Elements of the grid are used as control volumes
* Discrete **values** represent control volume average
* Simple and robust but not always consistent
* **Multi-point flux approximation (MPFA)**
* A consistent discrete gradient is constructed
## Two-Point Flux Approximation (TPFA)
<img src="img/cctpfa.png" width="75%"/>
<img src="img/ccmpfa.png" width="80%"/>
* Model domain is discretized using a **FE** mesh
* Secondary **FV** mesh is constructed → control volume/**box**
* Control volumes (CV) split into sub control volumes (SCVs)
* Faces of CV split into sub control volume faces (SCVFs)
* Unites advantages of finite-volume (simplicity) and finite-element methods (flexibility)
* **Mass conservation** (from FV method)
Vertex-centered finite volumes / control volume finite element
method with piecewise linear polynomial functions ($\mathrm{P}_1/\mathrm{Q}_1$)
<img src="img/box.png" width="70%"/>
## Finite Volume Method on Staggered Control Volumes
* Uses a finite volume method with different staggered control volumes for different equations
* Fluxes are evaluated with a two-point flux approximation
* **Robust** and **mass conservative**
* Restricted to **structured grids** (tensor-product structure)
<img src="img/staggered_grid.png"/>
# Model Components
## Model Components
* Typically, the following components have to be specified
* **Model**: Equations and constitutive models
* **Assembler**: Key properties (Discretization, Variables, LocalResidual)
* **Solver**: Type of solution stategy (e.g. Newton)
* **LinearSolver**: Method for solving linear equation systems (e.g. direct / Krylov subspace methods)
* **Problem**: Initial and boundary conditions, source terms
* **VtkOutputModule** / **IOFields**: For VTK output of the simulation
# Simulation Flow
## Simulation Flow
<img src="img/simulation_flow.png"/>