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Differences Between DuMux 3.9 and DuMux 3.8

  • Requirements: DuMux requires Dune >=2.9 and CMake >= 3.16. It was successfully tested with dune-mmesh 1.4 and OPM 2023.10.

Improvements and Enhancements

  • Energy Balance: Modified the energy balance implementation to correctly include the contribution of gravity.
  • Porous Medium Flow for 2pncmin: Fixed a bug for the non-isothermal 2pncmin test to use the permeability of the current time and not the reference one as permeability can change over time.
  • TPFA Dispersion: Fixed the transmissibility calculation for TPFA dispersion fluxes.
  • Darcy-Brinkman Freeflow: Introduced a convenience function to add a Brinkman term to turn the Navier-Stokes model into the Darcy-Brinkman model. With this, a single domain can contain both free flow and flow through a porous medium. The term is added as a source term in the problem using the new helper function addBrinkmanTerm. The function uses a new spatial parameter interface implemented in the new BrinkmanSpatialParams class (dumux/freeflow/spatialparams.hh). The helper function can deal with isotropic and anisotropic permeabilites.
  • Face Centered Velocity Reconstrution: For the FC Staggered discretization of free flow, a reconstrution method has been implemented to collect the full velocity vector at the face center.
  • Pore network: Added a model and a test case for two-phase compositional fluid flow.
  • Components: Added the new class ShomateMethod for calculating the heat capacity and enthalpy of components at specified temperatures. An example implementation can be found for methane (CH4).
  • SimpleH2O: Fixed an issue where the function vaporizationEnthalpy returned the result in the wrong unit, added new nonisothermal test.
  • Facet-Coupling:
    • Fixed the handling of duplicate degrees of freedom in the box facet-coupling model in the corner case that an internal fracture turns into a boundary fracture (see merge request 3748 for images).
    • The facet-coupling framework has been modified such that lower-dimensional domains coinciding with the bulk domain boundary are supported.
  • Periodic Boundaries: Fixed an issue for vector-valued unknowns. Other schemes that provide a periodic map at boundaries now also support periodicity.
  • TimeLoop: Added function to allow adjustments of the time step size in the main file, fixes corner cases.
  • Pipeline: Variable docker image testing is now possible directly out of dumux. A weekly Ubuntu 24.04 pipeline is introduced for a smooth transition to 24.04 in the future.
  • Dependencies: Fieldcompare and Pylint have been upgraded to newer versions.

Immediate interface changes not allowing/requiring a deprecation period:

  • RichardsNewtonSolver: It is now possible to select the MPICommunicator used by the RichardsNewtonSolver (either real or dummy communicator).
  • CompositionalFluidState: setRelativeHumidity was removed. Use the other setters. This setter was removed because it was very specific with a lot of specific prerequisites not fitting the general concept of the class. It was also outdated and not used in any example or test and didn't fit the index convention used in the fluid systems anymore.
  • LocalResidual of porousmediumflow/nonisothermal and porousmediumflow/nonequilibrium/thermal: fluidPhaseStorage now requires the problem. The old interface is deprecated but a corresponding function call doesn't calculate anything.

Deprecated properties/classes/functions/files, to be removed after 3.9:

  • Periodic Map: periodicVertexMap has been deprecated. Use periodicDofMap instead.

Differences Between DuMux 3.8 and DuMux 3.7

  • Requirements: DuMux requires Dune >=2.9 and CMake >= 3.16. It was successfully tested with dune-mmesh 1.4 and OPM 2023.10.

General changes / structure

  • Handbook: The PDF handbook is discontinued. The content has been merged into the online documentation

Improvements and Enhancements

  • Pore network: Added the dual network model proposed in Koch et al (2021)
  • Pore network: Added a model for heat conduction in a solid grain network
  • Nonisothermal: Added a specialized local residual for incompressible flows where the pressure work term cancels with the pressure-dependent part of the enthalpy so that only the internal energy remains in the advective heat flux.
  • Tpfa: The scv/scvf interfaces no longer store the geometry (can be obtained via local view of grid geometry). This means the memory footprint and also construction performance of the scv/scvfs is greatly improved, especially in higher dimensions. (Similar changes for the CVFE methods are already implemented since the previous release.)
  • Input file: A string expression parser was added (implementation based on the ExprTK library which is shipped with DuMux). Using the new class FunctionFromStringExpression<numArgs, ArgType> functions based on string expression can parsed and evaluated. The most prominent use case is parsing functions from the parameter input file. The constructor takes the expression and an array of variable names to be replaced by function arguments. The function can then be evaluated with the function values provided in the same order as the names where specified. An arbitrary number of arguments is supported. ExprTK support very complex expressions, see
  • Time loop: Fixed a bug when the time is chosen to be negative and/or the end time is set to zero. (Before we assume time is always positive and endtime never zero.). Moreover, time loops can now be constructed from and time step sizes set with std::chrono::duration. Finally, corner cases that may occur when using both periodic and manual check points in the CheckPointTimeLoop are now properly handled.
  • Chrono: Added the conversion function Dumux::Chrono::toSeconds to parse strings representing numbers with trailing unit into a std::chrono::duration. This allows convenient construction of durations, for instance: const auto tEnd = Dumux::Chrono::toSeconds(getParam("TimeLoop.TEnd"));, where TEnd = 12ms would be valid content in the input file.
  • Hyperelastic: Added a hyperelastic model (large deformations) and a test (in geomechanics)
  • Property system: Added a function inheritsFrom that allows to query whether a type tag is present in the inheritance hierarchy of another type tag
  • PDESolver: The LinearPDESolver/NewtonSolver now has an apply method that returns a bool (true if converged) instead of throwing an exception
  • Freeflow Nonisothermal: An issue with the compositional heat flux's upwinding calculations has been fixed
  • Compositional Staggered: The staggered discretization method has been updated to fix inconsistencies in handling density when evaluating diffusive boundary fluxes. In addition, a total mass balance is now always considered, rather than a total mole balance.
  • Parameters: The template argument for getParam and getParamFromGroup now defaults to std::string, such that for string parameters one can simply write const auto param = getParam("MyParam");
  • Compositional Freeflow FCSFV: Compositional transport has been implemented for the overhauled face-centered staggered finite volume scheme (FCSFV) discretization method. Ported tests are available in the testing suite.
  • GridGeometry: No longer store the corners/geometry for scv/scvfs also for cc-mpfa and staggered discretizations. This improves the memory footprint a lot. Geometries can be obtained via the local view of the grid geometry.
  • Python bindings: Python bindings are now disabled by default if DuMux is built without custom configuration (building without any *.opts file / passing variables to CMake). The default options in cmake.opts still enable the Python bindings (like before release 3.8) and thus ensure that all libraries are built when cmake.opts is passed to dunecontrol. (This applies also to upstream modules if cmake.opts` is used to configure them.) If you follow the default installation instructions everything should stay the same. This update tries to avoid a problem that occurs when mixing static and shared libraries and tries to make it harder for users to get the wrong setup.

Immediate interface changes not allowing/requiring a deprecation period:

  • Newton: The Newton solver no longer supports linear solvers without a norm interface when computing the resisual norm is required. The linear solvers available in Dumux all have such an interface.
  • MultiDomain: The MDTraits are now required to state the LocalResidual type in the Subdomain policy (see multidomain/traits.hh). This only affects users that created their own MDTraits and don't use the default MDTraits.
  • PDESolver: The PDESolver interface now requires an apply method that returns a bool instead of throwing when not converged
  • DuMux-specific preprocessor macros (defined in config.h) are now prefixed by DUMUX_ in order to avoid name conflicts when being passed down to other modules. Corresponding CMake variables (if existing) are now also prefixed. Explicitly, the following macros have been renamed:

Deprecated properties/classes/functions/files, to be removed after 3.8:

  • MPFA: scvf.corners()/facetCorner()/vertexCorner() have been deprecated. Use functions from the local view of the grid geometry instead.

Differences Between DuMux 3.7 and DuMux 3.6

  • Requirements: DuMux requires Dune >=2.9 and CMake >= 3.14. It was successfully tested with dune-mmesh 1.4 and OPM 2022.10.

General changes / structure

  • Doxygen: The theme of the Doxygen documentation page has been updated to a more modern look and the content has been restructured. The installation guide, the property system description and the chapter on examples and tutorials have been moved from the handbook to the Doxygen documentation. A chapter on parallelism has been added. One of the CI pipelines now includes a build of the Doxygen documentation. The result of this build can be downloaded from the job artifacts.

  • License: DuMux is now REUSE compliant. Many files are individually licensed, others covered by rules in .reuse/dep5.

  • Testing/CI: One of the CI pipelines now runs the static code analyzer cppcheck on every merge request.

  • Testing/CI: The example documentation is now re-generated in the CI in order to verify that the generated README files are in sync with the sources from which they are produced.

  • Testing/CI: The test suite now uses the fieldcompare library to compare VTK and data files in regression tests. The legacy comparison backend is kept as fallback.

  • Metadata: Added a codemeta.json file describing DuMux

  • CMake: DuMux now requires at least CMake version 3.14

Improvements and Enhancements

  • Linear solvers: New linear solvers have been added in istlsolvers.hh. They offer additional runtime options and most of them can be utilized in MPI parallel computation, eliminating the need to use istlsolverfactory.hh which takes longer to compile.

  • Linear solvers: Added three multi-threaded smoothers that can be used to speedup AMG (ParMTJac, ParMTSOR, ParMTSSOR).

  • Linear solvers: Added an iterative solver for the Stokes problem with a block-diagonal or block-triagonal preconditioner.

  • Examples: There are now three more examples. The first example shows how to simulate diffusion using a custom model equation, with finite volume/element methods. The second one models the separation of two phases using Cahn-Hilliard model with two governing nonlinear equations. The third example models tracer spread in blood and tissue using a multi-domain model coupling 1D advection-diffusion equation and 3D diffusion equation in the porous medium.

  • Box/Diamond/Bubble/CVFE Assembly: All CVFE schemes now use the same element solution and the same assembler. The old assemblers have been deleted (see below).

  • IO/RasterImageWriter: A tool now exists for writing .pbm and .pgm image files.

  • Shallow water equations: Added new friction law FrictionLawViscousNoSlip for viscous thin film flow.

  • Shallow water equations: Make regularization of the water height / roughness height optional in the friction laws.

  • Projection: In addition to the L2-projector projecting between different grids added a helper that computes the L2-projection of analytic functions in to discrete FEM spaces (requires dune-functions).

  • Box: No longer store the corners/geometry for scv/scvfs. This improves the memory footprint a lot. Geometries can be obtained via the local view of the grid geometry. (Implementation for other discretization schemes is planned for the coming release and scv/scvfs interfaces are deprecated.)

  • GridGeometry: The grid geometry inherits from a basic discretization-agnostic implementation that can be swapped out via traits. The basic implementation contains the bounding box tree and mappers and the instance can be shared among multiple grid geometry instances reducing the number of trees/mappers that have to be instantiated for multidomain problems where both domains use the same grid, e.g. Stokes.

  • Fmt: shipped fmt has been updated to 9.1.0. If the standard library support we now use the standard library instead of fmt. Note that the standard library implementation does not support all features of fmt. In case you have been using such special features you might need to face errors for this reason.

  • Assembler: FVAssembler::assembleJacobian was fixed (didn't actually compile before) and is also tested now. It assembles the Jacobian matrix. Most commonly the method FVAssembler::assembleJacobianAndResidual is used which also assembles the residual which is need when computing finite difference approximations of the Jacobian anyway.

  • Poromechanics: Fixed a bug in PoroElasticLocalResidual, where the average density between fluid and solid was computed incorrectly, potentially leading to unphysical body forces.

  • Box/CVFE/Porenetwork Assembly bugfix: The flux variables caches are now updated when computing the Jacobian. Before this fix, fluxvariable caches depending on the solution were not updates for CVFE schemes such that the resulting Jacobian was only an approximation.

  • Time loop: Only insert duplicate check points once.

Immediate interface changes not allowing/requiring a deprecation period:

  • Assembler/Newton/PDE/Solver: We now distinguish between SolutionVector and ResidualType/ResidualVector. The former contain Dumux-specific types like SwitchablePrimaryVariables as block types. The latter is native to the linear algebra backend. The only supported linear algebra backend at the moment is Dune (common/istl). If you have implemented your own assembler or PDE solver, you may also now need to follow this distinction in the assembler and solver interfaces. Moreover, you may need to use specialized assign and numeric operations in case your code allows for custom block types. If you are using the classes from the Dumux namespace, no change should be necessary in user code in the majority of cases.

  • Box/CVFE/Porenetwork FluxVariablesCache: The FluxVariablesCache class used with CVFE method are now required to have an interface variable isSolDependent that states whether the cache depends on the solution. This is used in the assembler to correctly update the cache. The ElementFluxVariablesCache classes with caching disabled now need a method update that updates the caches on demand. The GridFluxVariablesCache classes with caching enabled now need a method updateElement equivalent to update for the corresponding localView for caching disabled.

  • Shallow water friction laws: The friction laws after Manning and Nikuradse do no longer apply a limiter for the water depth. Previously, based on some application-specific assumption a roughness height was calculated that was added to the water depth. This height can now be provided as a argument to the respective friction law class constructors but defaults to 0.0.

  • NewtonConvergenceWriter: The convergence writer now takes three template arguments. The new and last argument is the ResidualType (see above).

  • FaceCenteredDiamond: The boundary treatment now follows the other control-volume finite element schemes. This means that problem's boundaryTypes and dirichlet interfaces are called with a sub-control volume as argument instead of a sub-control volume face. The integration point of the scvf corresponds to the dofPosition of the scv. In case you have been using the FaceCenteredDiamond discretization and not the boundaryTypesAtPos and dirichletAtPos version you will face an exception. Replace the functions by the version with an scv. The change is made in the attempt to unify assembly for CVFE schemes

  • Box/Diamond/Bubble/CVFE Assembly: The classes BoxLocalAssembler, FaceCenteredDiamondLocalAssembler, PQ1BubbleLocalAssembler, BoxSubdomainLocalAssembler, FaceCenteredDiamondSubdomainLocalAssembler, PQ1BubbleSubdomainLocalAssembler and corresponding headers have been replaced by CVFELocalAssembler and CVFESubdomainLocalAssembler.

  • Default CO2 Table: The new header defaultco2table.hh provides the CO2 density and enthalpy values with in the range of 290 K to 340 K and 100 KPa to 100 MPa. The script now generates the co2table.hh for a specified range, which can be directly included in the properties file.

Deprecated properties/classes/functions/files, to be removed after 3.7:

  • AMGBackend: AMGBiCGSTABBackend have been deprecated, use AMGBiCGSTABIstlSolver instead
  • IstlSolverFactoryBackend: IstlSolverFactoryBackend now require an additional parameter LinearAlgebraTraits
  • BrineCO2: Fluidsystem BrineCO2 and binary coefficients Brine_CO2 receiving a CO2Table as template parameter has been deprecated. Pass a component instead, use Components::CO2<CO2Table> to keep using a tabulated component.
  • GridGeometry: scv/f.corner/geometry() interfaces

Differences Between DuMux 3.6 and DuMux 3.5

General changes / structure

  • Testing/CI: Dumux is now tested with C++20 flag enabled in addition to C++17 (which is still the minimum requirement)

  • Testing/CI: The CI system now checks for common spelling mistakes using the codespell tool.

Improvements and Enhancements

  • bin/ Allow for main branch named main or master

  • Components: Fixed a bug in TabularizedComponent that caused data races in multithreaded applications

  • Discretization: There is now defaults for FluxVariablesCache and FluxVariablesCacheFiller for box/cctpfa/ccmpfa/staggered that implement an empty cache (i.e. nothing is cached for the flux variables).

  • Discretization: Added a new face-centered FV scheme based on non-conforming FE spaces FCDiamond

  • Discretization: Added a new FV scheme based on conforming FE spaces pq1bubble

  • Discretization: Added a basicGridGeometry which isn't discretization specific and may be shared among multiple gridGeometrys on the same grid.

  • Grid: Added stamped subgrids which allow for domains to be generated from repeated images

  • Parallelization: Update grid caches in parallel

  • Parallelization: GridView confirms whether multithreaded iteration of the grid is permitted

  • Multidomain: Added a parallel scalar product for multidomain problems

  • Assembly: Enabled multithreaded assembly for embedded problems

  • Multiphase and multicomponent: Added an initial helper to choose an appropriate constraintsolver based on present phases

  • Properties: There is now a GetPropOr helper that evaluates to the property type if that type is specialized for the given TypeTag and a given type if not.

  • 1d3d: Fixed a bug in the extended source stencil which didn't respect a user-defined epsilon for numeric differentiation

  • Pore-network model: Pore-network model will no longer prevent non-wetting fluid flowing out by default. Throats blocking non-wetting fluid can be specified by setting runtime parameter InvasionState.BlockNonwettingPhaseAtThroatLabel.

  • Pore network model: Fixed a bug in the calculation of pc snap-off. To calculate the pc snap-off, corner half angle of the throat cross section shape is needed. Previous implementation was only based on square cross section. We included corner half angle in the calculation to be able to calculate pc snap-off for other cross sections than square.

  • Examples: Extend the porenetwork_upscaling example to include non-creeping flow simulation in pore network. The example is able now to provide not only upscaled Darcy permeability but also Forchheimer permeability and coefficient (employed in Forchheimer equation).

  • Json: Dumux now ships a fixed version of to read and write JSON files. Only the symbols in the namespace Dumux::Json are meant to be used with Dumux. In particular, this now exports the json tree structure. More features may be added in the future.

Immediate interface changes not allowing/requiring a deprecation period:

  • Experimental features: All headers with experimental features have been moved into the folder dumux/experimental. Correspondingly, all unit tests for those features have been moved to test/experimental.

  • Stokes/Darcy: In the coupling manager, the diffusion coefficient coupling type had a mode Arithmetic misspelled with an additional letter. The spelling has been corrected. The incorrect spelling will lead now lead to an error.

  • Box: The grid geometry now passes information to the local view via an internal cache (instead of passing a pointer to itself directly). This allows to hide some internal interfaces. This only concerns implementers of FVElementGeometry classes that inherit from the box implementation and don't overload the constructor. Then code possibly fails to compile. The fix is to implement the same caching concept. The cache can be a simple wrapper around the grid geometry pointer.

Deprecated properties/classes/functions/files, to be removed after 3.6:

  • Box: scv/scvf.geometry() have been deprecated, use fvGeometry.geometry(scv/scvf) instead
  • Box: scv/scvf.corner(i) have been deprecated, use fvGeometry.geometry(scv/scvf).corner(i) instead
  • Cell centered: The computeTpfa/MpfaTransmissibilities() interfaces now require an additional parameter fvGeometry
  • Staggered: fluxVars.advectivFluxForCellCenter()/inflowOutflowBoundaryFlux() interfaces now require parameter fvGeometry instead of element
  • Discretization: Extrusion::area/volume(scvf/scv) have been deprecated, use Extrusion::area/volume(fvGeometry, scvf/scv) instead
  • Richards: Using the extended Richards model accounting for vapor diffusion in the gaseous phase by setting the property EnableWaterDiffusionInAir and the use of the corresponding template parameter in richards/model.hh has been deprecated. Use the new model ExtendedRichards instead
  • Navier-Stokes: The unified NavierStokesParentProblem covering both momentum and mass problems has been deprecated, use separated problems instead
  • Box: BoxElementVolumeVariables and BoxGridVolumeVariables have been deprecated, use unified CVFE volume variables instead

New experimental features (possibly subject to backwards-incompatible changes in the future)

  • Meta data: There is support for extraction of meta data in dumux/common/metadata.hh. The extracted features, might change in the future and we can't give any guarantee that the name of keys and values in the extracted meta data tree will be stable between releases.

Differences Between DuMux 3.5 and DuMux 3.4

  • Requirements: DuMux requires Dune >=2.8 and CMake >= 3.13. It was successfully tested with OPM 2021.10 (which in turn requires Dune <= 2.8), see also patches.

General changes / structure

  • Sequential: The old "sequential", "IMPES-style" models have not received updates in several years, are separate from the rest of the code base and increasingly became a maintenance burden. Deprecation warnings are emitted when using the sequential models since the DuMux 3.0 release. For DuMux 3.5, these models are now removed from the code base. To continue using them use releases/3.4. IMPES-style algorithms are possible in the DuMux 3.0 style of implementing models but their development did not receive much attention. See !2629 for the state of current efforts. Further improvements and contributions (MRs) on this front are highly welcome (get in contact via the DuMux mailing list).

  • We adopted a code of conduct, see dumux/

Improvements and Enhancements

  • ParallelFor and multithreaded assembly: For single domain applications using Box of CCTpfa discretization, the possibility for multithreaded (thread-parallel) assembly has been added. It is using the newly added Dumux::parallelFor interface. This features requires a backend to be available. This can be either external backends (TBB, Kokkos) or a working C++ STL parallel algorithms setup. The backend will be selected automatically, if found. You can also specify the backend by setting the compiler definition DUMUX_MULTITHREADING_BACKEND=TBB,Cpp,Kokkos,Serial, where Serial forces to always run in serial. For the assembly, you can explicitly turn multithreading off setting the runtime parameter Assembly.Multithreading = false. If a backend is available and the discretization allows it, the default is multithreaded assembly. When using TBB or Kokkos is it required (recommended) to use Dumux::initialize in the main file.

  • initialize: A new control function Dumux::initialize has been added which initializes shared and distributed memory parallelism helpers. It is recommended (and may be required for multithreaded applications) to use Dumux::initialize instead of manually initializing the Dune::MPIHelper.

  • Problem/Spatialparams interface: The interface functions extrusionFactor/extrusionFactorAtPos and temperature/temperatureAtPos have been removed from the problem interface and added to the spatial params interface. There is now a default set for temperature (293.15K) which can be changed via the input file parameter SpatialParams.Temperature. For more flexibility overload the function in your spatial parameter class like usual.

  • material/spatialparams: The folder has been dissolved and the headers have been moved to other folders. For example, spatial parameter classes specific to porous medium flow problems have been moved to dumux/porousmediumflow. This is due to the realization that spatial parameters do more than defining the "material" (which refers to the porous medium). For example, free flow problem also have parameters that may spatially vary (such as the extrusion factor in an extruded domain).

  • Tensor average: Added a function faceTensorAverage which performs a particular average of a tensor at interfaces. This replaces the interface harmonicMean in the spatial parameters.

  • Component: gasViscosityIsConstant added to component interface

  • Fluidsystems: Implemented viscosityIsConstant(int phaseIdx) for H2OAir

  • Dispersion: Dispersion fluxes have been added as an option for the compositional and thermal one-phase porous medium flow models. These models use either a Scheidegger-type dispersion tensor, which is dependent on the velocity field and two length parameters, or a full and constant (not solution-dependent, but possibly spatially varying) tensor that can be user defined in the spatial parameters. For compositional models coupled with flow models (e.g. 1pnc), using the Scheidegger-type dispersion tensor is only implemented for the box discretization method.

    To enable either thermal or compositional dispersion, please define these properties within your properties.hh header. For example:

    template<class TypeTag>
    struct EnableCompositionalDispersion<TypeTag, TTag::MyTest> { static constexpr bool value = true; };
    template<class TypeTag>
    struct EnableThermalDispersion<TypeTag, TTag::MyTest> { static constexpr bool value = true; };

    To determine the type of dispersion tensor, please define the property CompositionalDispersionModel within your properties.hh header. Per default, the ThermalDispersionModel is set to the same model as the CompositionalDispersionModel, but this can be set specifically as well. For example:

    template<class TypeTag>
    struct CompositionalDispersionModel<TypeTag, TTag::MyTest> { using type = ScheideggersDispersionTensor<TypeTag>; };
    template<class TypeTag>
    struct ThermalDispersionModel<TypeTag, TTag::MyTest> { using type = FullDispersionTensor<TypeTag>; };

    The parameters describing your dispersion tensor can then be included in your spatialparameters.hh file, and passed via input parameters. An example of this can be seen in the test/porousmediumflow/1pnc/dispersion/ folder, and in the test/porousmediumflow/tracer/constvel/ folders.

  • Embedded coupling: Add a coupling manager for the 1D-3D projection based scheme with resolved interface introduced in Koch 2022 (

  • RANS Boundary Types: Wall boundaries for the RANS turbulence models can now be set using the setWall method in the RANSBoundaryTypes class. This replaces the old isOnWall and isOnWallAtPos functions.

  • Discretization tags: We introduced tags in the namespace DiscretizationMethods (with s) for each discretization method. These tags replace the enum class DiscretizationMethod. Tags have several advantages over the enum. Each tag is a named type (see dumux/common/tag.hh) so they can for example be used in tag dispatch. Moreover specializing with tags is extensible. For example we specialize the template DarcysLawImplementation for each discretization. When using the enum no new discretization methods can be added without changing enum class DiscretizationMethod. With tags you can make your own tag and specialize a class for that tag. This means new discretization methods can be developed in a modular fashion. The introduction of tags involves a couple of non-backwards-compatible changes, mostly in implementation classes that shouldn't affect most users (see below).

  • Box: The box scheme now supports the case that volume variables depend on all dofs in the element. In that case, previously only a Jacobian approximation was assembled. As computing the added derivatives causes a significant overhead in the assembly, the feature is disabled per default. To enable the full Jacobian in this case set the parameter Assembly.BoxVolVarsDependOnAllElementDofs = true. The new feature is tested in the new test test_2p3c_surfactant which features relative permeability that depend on the pressure gradient. The test only passes with the full Jacobian.

  • Local views: The bind function associated with the local view of the FVElementGeometry, the ElementVolumeVariables, and the ElementFluxVariablesCache have been simplified. Now it is possible to directly create each of these objects where they are already bound. The following are examples of each new call:

    const auto fvGeometry = localView(gridGeometry).bind(element);
    const auto elemVolVars = localView(gridVolVars).bind(element, fvGeometry, sol);
    const auto elemFluxVarsCache = localView(gridFluxVarsCache).bind(element, fvGeometry, elemVolVars);

    This is also available for the bind() bindElement() and bindScvf() functions. The existing methods for binding will remain.

    Please note however that when working with element loops, separating construction and binding of the local view is more efficient, i.e.

    auto fvGeometry = localView(gridGeometry);
    for (const auto& element : elements(gridGeometry.gridView()))
  • Construction and update of GridGeometries changed: Grid geometries are fully updated after construction. Additional call of update functions are therefore only needed after grid adaption. Calling the update functions after construction now leads to a performance penalty.

  • Geometry:

    • Added implementation of sphere and bounding sphere approximation algorithms
    • Added distance queries for Point->BoundingBoxTree
    • Added DistanceField - a wrapper around a geometry set for fast distance queries
    • Added WallDistance - a utility to compute distances to the domain boundary (e.g. for RANS wall functions)
    • Added 3D-3D intersections
    • Added 2D-2D intersections in 3D
    • Fixed a wrong epsilon for floating comparisons in the 2D-2D intersection algorithm
  • Parallel grid partitioning: Added a simple backend for using Scotch as partitioner for a grid read on one process (e.g. when using the Dune Gmsh or DGF readers). Repartitioning is not implemented yet.

  • Cake grid creator: The cake grid creator can now be used in parallel simulations

  • Privarswitch: Fixed a bug in the privar switch which did not fully reset the switched variable. This lead to a possibly increased number of Newton iterations.

  • 1pnc: delp has been removed from the default vtk output fields in an attempt to streamline output between models. All information present in delp is present in p and delp has generally a reduced precision that also leads to some problems in automated testing.

  • Richards: the Richards model now works together with the generic FluidSystem::TwoPImmiscible as long as a gas and a liquid phase are present.

  • Richards: Fixed a bug that creeped into the 1.5-phase model so it actually computes diffusion in the gas phase now.

  • Richards: Fixed a bug that checked that the fluid viscosity is not constant whereas the check should have asserted that it is constant

  • Fixed intersect in SplineCommon

Immediate interface changes not allowing/requiring a deprecation period:

  • Discretization tags: The following classes have changed from a template argument of type DiscretizationMethod (an enum) to class type template arguments and are now specialized for tags: TwoPScvSaturationReconstruction, ScvfToScvBoundaryTypes, ProblemTraits, FluxStencil, EffectiveStressLaw, HookesLaw, FacetCouplingManager, FacetCouplingMapper. Moreover this affects the following helper classes: IsFicksLaw, CheckOverlapSize, PartialReassemblerEngine, SubDomainAssemblerType. Finally, this change has been made for many implementation classes. These should not have been used directly anyway, so we do not explicitly list them here. Examples are DarcysLawImplementation, LinearSolverTraitsImpl. See !2844 for more details. If you face a compiler error from these changes, contact us. Most like the solution is to simply try replacing occurrences of DiscretizationMethod with the corresponding tag from DiscretizationMethods, or types DiscretizationMethod in template arguments by generic class.

  • Coupling managers: The coupling managers now store shared_ptrs of the subdomain solutions to be able to manage memory outside. There is compatibility interface that is deprecated but it won't allow for assignments of the form this->curSol() = sol; since curSol returns a MultiTypeVector of references. If assignment is needed for some reason, use a hybrid loop over all subdomain indices.

  • Virtual interface of GridDataTransfer: The GridDataTransfer abstract base class now required the Grid type as a template argument. Furthermore, the store and reconstruct interface functions do now expect the grid as a function argument. This allows to correctly update grid geometries and corresponding mapper (see "Construction and update of GridGeometries changed" above in the changelog)

  • PengRobinsonMixture::computeMolarVolumes has been removed without deprecation. It was used nowhere and did not translate.

  • ShallowWaterViscousFlux: The template argument PrimaryVariables has been removed without deprecation. It was not needed.

Deprecated properties/classes/functions/files, to be removed after 3.5:

  • update() functions of grid geometries, which do not receive the gridView, are deprecated, use update(gridView) instead.
  • enum class DiscretizationMethod and associated functions, to be replaced by tags
  • is deprecated.
  • is deprecated, use instead.
  • is removed.
  • isOnWallAtPos and isOnWall are no longer used in the RANS models to designate wall boundaries. These boundaries are now directly set in the RANSBoundaryTypes using the setWall() function.
  • the temperature and extrusionFactor interfaces in the problem class have been deprecated and have been moved to the spatial parameters.
  • Porous medium flow models should now inherit from the new base spatial parameters that can be found in the folder dumux/porousmediumflow/, which allow users to overload the new temperature and extrusionFactor interfaces.
  • Free flow and pore network models now also expect the user problems to expose spatial parameters, in which gravity, temperature and extrusionFactor are defined. The respective problem interfaces have been deprecated.
  • harmonicMean has been deprecated in the spatial params use new faceTensorAverage
  • The problem interfaces for fluid properties in the poroelastic model, namely effectiveFluidDensity and effectivePorePressure, have been deprecated and were moved to the spatial parameters.
  • The function shearStress in the class FrictionLaw and its child classes has been renamed to bottomShearStress and the return value has been changed. The function returns now the actual bottom shear stress and not the bottom shear stress term as it used in the shallow water model. The bottom shear stress term of the shallow water model is the bottom shear stress multiplied with minus one and normalised by the water density.

New experimental features (possibly subject to backwards-incompatible changes in the future)

  • Staggered grid: The staggered grid implementation has been overhauled. Unfortunately, this overhaul has not been completed yet. Most of the Navier-Stokes tests now use the new implementation. The old implementation is still available and not deprecated yet, but will be phased out after the release. For now both implementation live next to each other in the code base. The new implementation is more closely built on the multidomain framework and now fully realizes the finite volume abstractions described in the Dumux paper. The first aspect means that mass and momentum are now separate sub-models of Navier-Stokes than can be (and are) discretized with different discretization methods and then coupled together via coupling managers. The implemented mass discretization is CCTpfa. The momentum discretization is a face-centered staggered finite volume scheme (FCSFV). The second aspect means that for the FCSFV scheme, subcontrol volumes and faces are now represented by corresponding classes in the code just like for CCTpfa, Box, CCMpfa. There is a problem class added that helps to implement both the mass and the momentum problem in one (templated) class. Boundary conditions are now clearly separated into mass and momentum boundary conditions. When the new implementation is fully adapted the documentation will be updated with it, this might take some time and is not included in this release yet.

  • FF-PNM: Added a model and test for coupling a porenetwork with a freeflow domain (see Weishaupt PhD:

  • Python bindings: The Python bindings work with Dune master now, which features an improved way of installing them. The new way will be described better in the documentation once Dune 2.9 is release. Until then we refer to the documentation of Dune. The setup with Dune 2.9 is not compatible with the setup with Dune 2.8 but we made sure that Dumux 3.5 support both variants.

  • Pore-network models: The development continues and many smaller things have been improved. The PNM models remain experimental. The grid creator has been improved in usability. Added a convenience script to extract PNM with porespy and create a DGF grid usable with Dumux.

Continuous integration

  • Python bindings: The Python bindings are now tested in the CI. Furthermore, Python scripts are automatically checked with linters, see dumux/python/ for more information.

Differences Between DuMux 3.4 and DuMux 3.3

Improvements and Enhancements

  • Requirements: DuMux still requires Dune >=2.7 and CMake >= 3.13. It was successfully tested with OPM 2021.04.

  • Pore-network models added to DuMux:

    • Three fully implicit pore-network models (1p, 1pnc, 2p) have been added.
    • A quasi-static 2p PNM for the creation of pc-Sw curves has been added.
    • A new namespace Dumux::PoreNetwork has been introduced, containing all relevant classes and functions for pore-network modeling.
    • An example introduces the use of the 1p PNM for the estimation of the upscaled Darcy permeability.
    • Advection type including inertia effect for simulations in the non-creeping flow regime is available.
    • Note that this is still considered a rather experimental feature. Everything within namespace Dumux::PoreNetwork might undergo (backward-compatibility breaking) changes without prior notice.
  • Several scripts have been translated to Python:

    • to install external modules and libraries now rewritten as python script bin/
    • to extract the used DuMux/Dune versions of a module (new script: bin/util/
    • no longer creates an install file, instead, you can now generate install scripts for your module using the new script bin/util/
    • Note: the old shell scripts will be removed after release 3.4.
  • Python bindings: There is now a small finite volume example included in the Python tests using the wrapped grid geometry and problem, see

  • Law for water vapor viscosity in gas mixtures changed: Polynomial laws for determining the viscosity of vater vapor in gas mixtures are introduced and applied by the new function h2oGasViscosityInMixture. The polynomial laws give a better approximation of the gas viscosity especially at higher temperatures ( >273.15 K) and a high water vapor content.

  • Newton line search: The line search algorithm decreases the step size until the residual decreases. The lower bound of the step size can now be set in the input file via the parameter Newton.LineSearchMinRelaxationFactor.

  • Material / Constant component: The Component::Constant can now be used in non-isothermal simulation. Simple relations for internal energy and enthalpy depending on temperature and constant heat capacity have been added.

  • Linear PDE solver: The LinearPDESolver can reuse the matrix and thus avoid unnecessary reassembly. See test/porousmediumflow/tracer/constvel/ for an example.

  • Ordering strategies for UMFPack: It is now possible to choose an ordering strategy for UMFPack via the runtime parameter LinearSolver.UMFPackOrdering or by calling the setOrdering() method of UMFPackBackend. This can have a positive effect on the solver's performance, depending on the matrix structure.

  • Add setRetryTimeStepReductionFactor() function to NewtonSolver: This function allows to set the factor by which the time step is reduced after a failed iteration. Can be used, e.g., for custom Newton solvers inheriting from this class and using a more sophisticated time step management.

  • Improve upwind interface:

    • Additional functions have been added to upwindscheme.hh which can be used to apply the upwind scheme without the need of FluxVariables and to get the multiplier by which the flux is multiplied.
    • These additional functions are now used in CCTpfaForchheimersLaw by providing the upwind scheme as additional template argument.
  • Simplified use of SubGridManger: It is now possible to specify pixel dimensions when reading an image file used as grid. For instance, Grid.PixelDimension = 1e-3 1e-3 will scale the domain automatically such that the grid cells have a side length of 1e-3 m and you don't need to specify Grid.UpperRight anymore.

  • String utility: There is a new header common/stringutilities.hh that implements two functions tokenize and split that can split strings at a given delimiter.

  • Add linearRegression() function to math.hh: This function gets a set of (x, y) data and calculates/returns the intercept and the slope of the regression line using the standard least squares method.

  • Shallow water: Added a heuristic turbulence model based on a mixing length and resulting in a turbulent viscosity term.

Immediate interface changes not allowing/requiring a deprecation period:

  • Newton: The global parameter defaults have been substituted for local parameter defaults (in nonlinear/newtonsolver.hh). If you have been relying on global defaults (reading parameters without supplying a value in the input file nor a default) you will get a runtime ParameterException. To solve this simply provide a default or set the value in the input file.
  • MPNC: The MPAdapter can now also be called with a temporary pcKrSw object. For this, the compiler needs to deduce the class' template argument types. You may need to adapt your spatialParams from
using MPAdapter = Dumux::FluidMatrix::MPAdapter<PcKrSwCurve, 2>;
auto fluidMatrixInteractionAtPos(const GlobalPosition &globalPos) const
    return makeFluidMatrixInteraction(MPAdapter(pcKrSwCurve_));


// alias for MPAdapter is removed
auto fluidMatrixInteractionAtPos(const GlobalPosition &globalPos) const
    return makeFluidMatrixInteraction(FluidMatrix::MPAdapter(pcKrSwCurve_));
  • Grid geometry: The local views of grid geometries are now required to implement the interfaces element() (returning the bound element) and isBound() returning a bool which is true if the functions bind or bindElement have been called (i.e. the local geometry is in a bound state). These interfaces are currently not used (except in the unit tests) but will be required by the assembler in future DuMux versions.

Deprecated properties/classes/functions/files, to be removed after 3.4:

  • Dumux::IsIndexable<T, I> is deprecated, use Dune::IsIndexable<T, I>directly.

  • The property NumEqVector has been deprecated. The class NumEqVector is now defined in the namespace Dumux in the header file dumux/common/numeqvector.hh.

  • The member function update() of mappers is deprecated, use update(gridView) when updating the mapper after a grid or grid view change.

  • All custom mapper implementations should implement update(gridView) replacing update(). Mappers with update() will no longer be supported after support for Dune 2.7 is dropped.

New experimental features (possibly subject to backwards-incompatible changes in the future)

  • Time stepping: a first implementation of a generic Dumux::MultiStageTimeStepper was introduced, that allows for using different time integration schemes besides the currently supported implicit and explicit Euler schemes. However, this poses new requirements on the linear system assemblers, which are not yet met by the standard assemblers provided in DuMux. This will be extended in future versions.

Continuous integration

  • A first version of the DuMux GitLab CI is now at the disposal of all developers. While every night a complete test pipeline is triggered automatically, developers have the possibility to manually start test pipelines within merge requests that automatically identify and run only those tests affected by the changes introduced.

Differences Between DuMux 3.3 and DuMux 3.2

Improvements and Enhancements

  • Requirements: DuMux now requires Dune >=2.7 and CMake >= 3.13.
  • New way to use material laws: The usage of laws for pc-Sw and kr-Sw has been completely revised. A caller does not have to pass a parameters object to the laws anymore. The spatialParams now provide a fluidMatrixInteraction function which bundles an arbitrary number of different interaction laws such as a pc-Sw and kr-Sw curve and interfacial areas. New pre-cached spline laws were added which can help to increase efficiency. The usage of the old interface is deprecated and warnings will be raised. The old interface will be removed after the release of 3.3.
  • New example: We have added another free-flow example dealing with lid-driven cavity flow.
  • Install script written in Python: The DuMux install script has been translated to Python to improve portability. The old shell script will be removed after release 3.3.
  • Improved velocity reconstruction: The velocity reconstruction for immiscible porous-media models has been improved, leading to slightly different velocity fields in the vicinity of Neumann boundaries.
  • Python bindings (experimental): Basic support for Python bindings has been added. Python bindings are an experimental feature and might undergo unannounced API changes until further notice. This concerns the files in the folders python and dumux/python. To activate
    • run python3 dune-common/bin/
    • adapt your PYTHONPATH environment variable as described here
  • Obtain DuMux via pip: The Dumux source code can now be installed using pip install dumux. This works for the Python bindings as well as the C++ source code. Matching Dune modules are also installed. Currently not all dune modules have Python packages available. We recommend trying this new feature in a virtual environment by typing
python3 -m virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install dumux

To test the setup you can use the following Python script

from dune.grid import structuredGrid
from dumux.discretization import GridGeometry

gridView = structuredGrid([0,0],[1,1],[5,5])

gridGeometry = GridGeometry(gridView, discMethod="cctpfa")

print("The total number of scvs is {}".format(gridGeometry.numScv()))
print("The total number of scvfs is {}".format(gridGeometry.numScvf()))
  • fmt-library: We now include a basic version of the fmt-library which implements std::format (coming with C++20) without the need for C++20. In order to use this, include <dumux/io/format.hh>. format, format_to, format_to_n, formatted_size are available in the Dumux::Fmt namespace. The string formatting is documented here and follows the Python string formatting rules. The functions are documented on cppreference.
  • RANS: The RANS models now include variable densities. Compositional or nonisothermal RANS models could produce slightly different, more accurate, results.

Immediate interface changes not allowing/requiring a deprecation period:

  • Flash/Constraintsolver: The flashes depending on material laws are immediately required to use new-style material laws (fluidMatrixInteraction interface in spatialparams)
  • Box interface solver: The box interface solver immediately requires the new material law interface without deprecation period. Use the new class BoxMaterialInterfaces and update your spatial params to use the new fluidmatrixinteraction interface to be able to use the box interface solver in version 3.3.
  • For the "sequential" models, the property BoundaryTypes has been simply renamed to SequentialBoundaryTypes
  • Quadmath: Dumux::Quad has been removed without deprecation. Use Dune::Float128 instead.
  • Within the RANS group, two additional runtime parameters have been included 'IsFlatWallBounded' and 'WriteFlatWallBoundedFields'. For both the K-Epsilon and Zero-eq RANS models the 'IsFlatWallBounded' runtime parameter should be set as True, as wall topology is not supported for these models with our geometric constraints. If not set as true, the geometry will be checked before the model is run. If either the runtime parameter or the geometry check indicate non-flat walls, the model will terminate. To add FlatWallBounded specific output to the vtk output, WriteFlatWallBoundedFields can be set as True.
  • 1d3d coupling: The kernel coupling manager has been replaced with the one from Koch et al (2020) JCP
  • 1d3d coupling: The average and surface coupling managers has been updated with a slightly more accurate version to compute the stencils and the average operator. The results might differ a bit when using coarse grids. However, both version are expected to converge to the same result with grid refinement.

Deprecated properties/classes/functions/files, to be removed after 3.3:

  • The property BoundaryTypes has been deprecated. The boundary condition type can now be deduced from the problem type using ProblemTraits.

Deleted classes/files, property names, constants/enums:

  • Everything that has been deprecated before release 3.2 has been removed.
  • All of the geometry headers previously saved in dumux/common/geometry have been relocated to dumux/geometry. The headers in dumux/common/geometry are deprecated and will be removed after 3.3. The geometry tests have been moved from test/common/geometry and test/common/boundingboxtree to test/geometry.

Other noteworthy changes:

  • Releases earlier than 3.0 are no longer automatically tested or supported.

Differences Between DuMux 3.2 and DuMux 3.1

Improvements and Enhancements

  • C++17: DuMux now requires a C++ compiler supporting the C++17 features of GCC 7 (e.g. GCC 7, Clang 5).

  • Radially symmetric problems: We now have support for radially symmetric problems (disc, ball, toroid). The support comes in form of wrappers for sub control volumes and faces that overload the respective volume() and area() function turning a 1d or 2d problem into a 2d or 3d radially symmetric problem.

  • Improvements of Beavers-Joseph(-Saffman) condition for the free flow model: The naming for handling BJ(-S) boundary conditions has been adapted from isBJS() to isBeaversJoseph() / setBJS() to setBeaversJoseph(). In order to consider the velocity within the porous medium, the old velocityPorousMedium(element, scvf) method (returning a Scalar) has been renamed to porousMediumVelocity(element, scvf) (returning a velocity vector). The latter defaults to VelocityVector(0.0).

  • Van Genuchten: The VanGenuchten-Mualem material law now allows to set a parameter l (default to 0.5) which is sometimes fitted.

  • Runtime variable output precision e.g. Float64: The VtkOutputModule has been adapted to allow easy changes of the vtk output precision. It is now possible to specify output precision in the input file using Vtk.Precision followed by either Float32, Float64, UInt32, UInt8 or Int32. Float32 stays the default. We especially advice the use of Float64 when working with restart files. An additional new option is Vtk.CoordPrecision which changes the precision of the coordinates only and uses the default of Vtk.Precision.

  • Effective Laws and Diffusion Coefficients: The effective laws interface has been changed within !1684. The interface for these laws has been unified, and all coefficients are to be stored in containers that fit to the model. These quantities should then be added in the volumeVariables, meaning all effective quantities would be accessible from the volumevariables.

  • Examples: The documentation of the examples has been improved further, focusing on readability and convenience. Further, three additional examples are included the folder examples. To get an overview, point your browser to

  • Linear solvers: There is a new ISTL solver factory backend which allows to choose solvers at runtime (requires dune-istl 2.7) and also enables more parallel solvers (requires dune-istl > 2.7.0).

Immediate interface changes not allowing/requiring a deprecation period

  • Remove Grid.HeapSize as dune-ugrid removed the according feature as well.

  • Van Genuchten: Corrected VanGenuchten-Mualem exponent in the nonwetting saturation formula (1/3 instead of 1/2 (or l, see above))

  • Van Genuchten: Corrected VanGenuchten-Mualem implementation of dkrn/dSw

  • Brooks-Corey: Corrected Brooks-Corey implementation of dkrn/dSw and added the derivatives for the regularized version

  • AMGBackend: The internal structure of the AMGBackend and the ParallelISTLHelper has been overhauled, as only used by the AMG, we did not make the changes backwards-compatible

  • The global default parameters for linear solvers have been removed and moved to the class LinearSolver. This only affects users that directly obtain this parameter via getParam somewhere in the code.

  • Sequential linear solver backends: Remove template argument precondBlockLevel from solve functions. The preconditioner block level is now determined automatically, assuming a value of 1 for regular BCRS matrices and a value of 2 for MultiTypeBlock matrices. The respective calls from the NewtonSolver and PDESolverclasses have been adapted.

  • Change matrix block arrangement for staggered models: The matrix block structure has been adapted such to comply with the literature standard, i.e., having the velocity block (A) on M[0][0] rather than on M[1][1]. This also requires re-arranging the submodels and properties in dumux-multidomain such that the face-related classes and vector entries now appear before the cell-centered ones.

M=(DCBA)=>M=(ABCD)M = \begin{pmatrix} D & C\\ B & A \end{pmatrix} \qquad => \qquad M = \begin{pmatrix} A & B\\ C & D \end{pmatrix}

Backwards-compatibility can only be provided to a certain extent. The following changes need to made in the main file:

1.) change the order of the arguments for the assembler such that it reads:

auto assembler = std::make_shared<Assembler>(std::make_tuple(ffProblem, ffProblem, otherProblem, ...),
                                                             otherFvGridGeometry, ...),
                                                             otherGridVariables, ...),
                                             timeLoop, solOld);

// Not changing the arguments will yield a deprecation warning stating this hint but the code still compiles and runs.

2.) change the order of arguments in the partial function:

ffSol = partial(sol, ffFaceIdx, ffCellCenterIdx);

// Not changing the argument will rise a compiler error which makes the MR not fully backwards-compatible.

Regarding changes made to the effective laws and diffusionCoefficient containers, Backwards-compatibility is maintined for a large extent, barring any volumevariable classes defined externally that inherit from the non-isothermal volumevariables. If you use a self defined volumevariables class that inherits from the non-isothermal volumevariables, please adapt the your volumevariables class to fit to the non-isothermal volumevariables, and include the new methods for accessing the diffusion and effective diffusion coefficients.

  • Tracer model: tracer fluid systems do no longer provide a getMainComponent function since this simply doesn't make sense -- the main bulk component is not modeled.

Deprecated properties, to be removed after 3.2:

  • GridView: The property GridView has been deprecated and can be accessed via GridGeometry::GridView instead.

Deprecated classes/files, to be removed after 3.2:

  • AMGBackend: The class AMGBackend is deprecated and has been replaced by AMGBiCGSTABBackend which gets some different template arguments
  • AMGTraits: AMGTraits are deprecated, are to be replaced by LinearSolverTraits and restructured internally. As they were only used by the AMGBackend, we did not make the internal changes backwards-compatible

Deprecated member functions, to be removed after 3.2:

  • DiffusionCoefficient(various arguments): These coefficients are now defined in the volvars and stored in a container fit to the model. To access these values, use the unified c++ diffusionCoefficient(int phaseIdx, int compIIdx, int compJIdx)
  • EffectiveDiffusivity(various arguments): These values are now defined in the volvars and stored in a container fit to the model. To access these values, use the unified c++ effectiveDiffusionCoefficient(int phaseIdx, int compIIdx, int compJIdx)

Deleted classes/files, property names, constants/enums

Everything that has been deprecated before release 3.1 has been removed.

Differences Between DuMux 3.1 and DuMux 3.0

Improvements and Enhancements

  • Examples: Three extensively documented examples have been added which highlight interesting features and show how to apply DuMux to interesting problems. They can be found in the new folder examples. To get an overview, point your browser to

  • Porousmediumflow: Added a new porous medium model for the energy balance of a porous solid (general heat equation).

  • Multidomain: It is now possible to use the facet coupling module together with the mpfa-o scheme in the bulk domain.

  • Box: The box scheme works now on grids with prism / wedge elements in 3D.

  • Diffusive fluxes: We revised the formulation of the diffusion laws to allow for changes between mass-averaged velocity reference systems and molar-averaged velocity reference systems. The standard formulation is now set to mass-averaged velocity reference systems.

  • GridManager:

    • Supports now reading unstructured grids and data from vtu/vtp files (ASCII, XML format) sequential. For UGGrid and FoamGrid you can specify a grid in such a format in the input file: Grid.File = mygrid.vtu / Grid.File = mygrid.vtp. The associated data is then available in the grid data object.
    • Instead of always including all grid manager specializations you can now only include the specialization that you need. For example, if you only use YaspGrid in your code, you only need to include dumux/io/grid/gridmanager_yasp.hh. The convenience header dumux/io/grid/gridmanager.hh still includes all specializations.
    • Added a NetPBMReader which allows to read simple raster images files (*.pbm and *.pgm). Can be used, e.g., with dune-subgrid in order to create a grid from an image file.
  • Freeflow: A second order approximation of the convective term of all Navier-Stokes based models is now available. This can be enabled using the property UpwindSchemeOrder. This property defaults to a first order upwinding approximation, which is the method used for all models in release 3.0. If this property is set to 2, a second order flux limiter method will be used. Various flux limiter functions have been implemented to maintain the monotonicity of this discretization. Per default the Minmod flux limiter is used, but Vanleer, Vanalbada, Superbee, Umist, Mclimiter, and Wahyd based flux limiters are also available. These can be specified using the input file entry Flux.DifferencingScheme. These methods are also implemented for non-uniform structured grids (e.g. YaspGrid - TensorProductCoordinates). Per default, a scheme assuming a uniform grid is used, but two other methods, Li and Hou, are both available for adaptations to non-uniform grids. These can be specified using the input file entry Flux.TVDApproach.

  • RANS: The called RANS model, defined in the properties system, will specify, via the model traits, which RANS problem implementation should be used. In each problem file, the initial and boundary conditions can be set using templated functions based on the model type. Examples of these functions exist in the RANS based tests. No further preprocessor macros are required.

  • ShallowWater: Thanks to Leopold Stadler we now have a shallow water equations solver / model. Have a look at freeflow/shallowwater and give it a try with the dam break test at test/freeflow/shallowwater. The are also some friction laws computing shear stresses (Manning, Nikuradse) to account for friction in a channel/river bed, thanks to Martin Utz.

  • Staggered: Added a StaggeredNewtonConvergenceWriter for the staggered grid discretization scheme.

  • Solver: There is a new abstract base class PDESolver that is a class that does linearize & assemble, solve and update. The NewtonSolver now derives from this class (interface is unchanged). A new class LinearPDESolver simplifies solving linear problems by reducing the code in the main file and streamlining the terminal output to look like the Newton output.

Immediate interface changes not allowing/requiring a deprecation period

  • NewtonConvergenceWriter's first template argument has changed from GridView to FVGridGeometry. This allows to call the resize() method after a grid change without any arguments. Here is an example how to instantiate the convergence writer:

    using NewtonConvergenceWriter = Dumux::NewtonConvergenceWriter<FVGridGeometry, SolutionVector>;
    auto convergenceWriter = std::make_shared<NewtonConvergenceWriter>(*fvGridGeometry);
  • The interface of the abstract TimeLoopBase class has been extended by virtual void advanceTimeStep(), virtual void setTimeStepSize(Scalar dt), virtual Scalar maxTimeStepSize(), and virtual bool finished(), thus forcing the inheriting classes to implement those functions. TimeLoop is no longer a template argument in NewtonSolver's solve() method, thereby increasing type safety and providing better compiler error messages.

  • RANS: The base problems for all turbulence models e.g. ZeroEqProblem have been been renamed to one generic RANSProblem

Deprecated properties, to be removed after 3.1:

  • FVGridGeometry and EnableFVGridGeometryCache have been replaced by GridGeometry and EnableGridGeometryCache.

Unfortunately, clang doesn't emit deprecation warnings if an old property name is used. Consider employing gcc for detecting occurrences of the old name.

Deprecated classes/files, to be removed after 3.1:

  • BaseFVGridGeometry from dumux/discretization. Use BaseGridGeometry instead.

  • CakeGridCreator and SubgridGridCreator from dumux/io/grid. Use the corresponding ...Manager instead.

  • IntRange from dumux/common. Use Dune::IntegralRange instead.

Deprecated member functions, to be removed after 3.1:

  • The convergence writer is no longer passed to NewtonSolver's solve() method. For outputting convergence data, please use newtonSolver.attachConvergenceWriter(convWriter) in (directly after instantiating the writer). To stop the output, the writer can also be detached again using newtonSolver.detachConvergenceWriter().

Deleted classes/files, property names, constants/enums

  • Deprecated classes and files for the 3.0 release listed below stay deprecated for at least one more release cycle.

Differences Between DuMux 2.12 and DuMux 3.0

Important Notes

  • DuMux 3.0 is a major version update. It is not backward compatible in all aspects to 2.12. The following minor version updates will be, as before for the DuMux 2-series, always backward compatible to at least the last minor version update.

  • The tutorial has been replaced by the new module dumux-course which is accessible at We recommend new users and also users experienced with DuMux 2.X to clone the course and have a look at the exercises in there.

  • DuMux 3.0 is based on Dune 2.6 and is expected to run with the current Dune master. We will try to keep the compatibility with the Dune master as long as it is technically feasible and our resources allow it.

  • DuMux 3.0 requires at least GCC 4.9 or Clang 3.5 in their C++-14 mode. However, we suggest to use newer compiler versions, as we cannot test against all previous compiler versions.

  • For employing corner-point grids by means of opm-grid, the OPM release 2018.10 has to be used.

Improvements and Enhancements


  • New style main files: 3.0 comes which a major overhaul of how the sequence of simulation steps is specified. Until 2.12 there was the start.hh header including the free function start that contained a predefined sequence of steps. Customization of the sequence was possible by many hooks implemented in classes used in this sequence. This made it hard to follow the course of the program and hard to implement customization at points where this was not previously envisioned. In contrast, in the new approach the sequence of simulation steps was linearized, meaning that each step is visible in the program's main file. In the new main files, one can clearly see the io, initialization, assembly, solving, update, time loop, etc., of the program. Many parts of the simulation that were previously mandatory, i.e. simulations in 2.12 always contained a time loop, are now optional (stationary simulations just don't need a time loop). The new style main files make it easier two follow the course of the program, are easier to customize, and offer more flexibility concerning the customization of steps and components of a simulation. All tests and examples in the dumux repository have been adapted to the new style main files.
  • Property system: The property system is now usable without preprocessor macros. To this end it was completely reimplemented using C++14 techniques and variadic templates. The hierarchies can now be arbitrarily deep instead of being limited to 5 levels. The new implementation does not use C++ inheritance. Properties and TypeTag now have to be properly qualified with the namespaces Properties::, TTag::. Types that share the name with properties have to properly qualified with the Dumux:: namespace. This update makes it hopefully more readable and removes the "magic" part from the property system.
  • Runtime parameters: Runtime parameters are no longer accessed with preprocessor macros. They have been replaced by C++ function templates Dumux::getParam, Dumux::hasParam, Dumux::getParamFromGroup. The ..FromGroup version has been redesigned to allow the specification of parameters for different models in one input file. The concept of a parameter group string was extended to make it possible to use a single input file for complex multidomain simulation setups.
  • Restarting simulations: The old restart module was replaced by an implementation based on a VTK backend (other formats might be added later such as HDF5). Restarted simulations can read solutions from vtk files. For parallel runs, there is currently the restriction that the number of processors has to be the same as before the restart. Restarted simulations can read grids from vtk (currently only sequential, non-adaptive grids, support for parallel and adaptive will be added in a future version).
  • Assembly: The assembler can now assemble implicit and explicit Euler time discretizations. An interface for implementing analytical Jacobians was added. The CCTpfa assembler has been significantly improved for complex models that spend a lot of time computing constitutive laws. Also the numerical differentiation scheme was improved by altering the order in which derivatives are computed.
  • TypeTag templates: Implementers of code in DuMux 3.0 are advised to avoid TypeTag as a template argument for class templates. Many classes in the DuMux core have been changed to have a small number of specific template arguments, including GridGeometry, TimeLoop, Newton, LinearSolver, SpatialParams. This makes it possible to share objects of these types between models using different TypeTags. This was not possible before as Class<TypeTag1> and Class<TypeTag2> are different types, even if they contain exactly the same implementation code. Furthermore, having TypeTag as a template argument leads to bad programming, and unnecessary dependencies that should be avoided in every object-oriented code.
  • The grid geometry concept: In version 3.0, discretization methods use grid geometries which are wrappers or adapters around a Dune::GridView, providing data structures and interfaces necessary to implement these discretization methods easily. In particular, the abstraction of sub-control-volumes (scv) and sub-control-volume-faces (scvf) are now separate classes and the grid geometry provides means to iterate over all scvs and scvfs of an element, using range-based-for loops.
  • The caching concept: Version 3.0 introduces a caching concept for the new grid geometry, the volume variables and the flux variables. There are classes with a Grid prefix, that store data for the current grid view, and classes with the Element prefix that store data locally for an element or element stencil. Depending on the caching concept used, data will be either stored completely in the Grid objects (e.g. GridGeometry) and the Element objects (e.g. ElementGeometry) are mere accessor objects, or, data will be partly only cached locally. Local caching uses less memory but might result in an increased runtime. Grid caching is memory intensive but can provide a significant run-time speedup. Choose whatever concept fits your available resources, the default being local caching.
  • Support for grid managers dune-subgrid (a meta grid selecting only certain elements from a host grid) and dune-spgrid (a structured parallel grid manager, supporting periodic boundaries).

Models, Physics and Methods

  • MPFA schemes: The new design of the DuMux core facilitates the incorporation of new finite-volume schemes. In particular, the new core comes with a framework for MPFA schemes, in which currently the only available scheme is the MPFA-O scheme. It can be used in conjunction with any DuMux model and also works on surface grids. More schemes will be added in the future.
  • Box-dfm: The 2pdfm model from version 2.12 has been generalized such that it can be used on any DuMux model and in both two and three dimensions.
  • Tracer transport: A new model for tracer transport with a given flow field has been added. The model can be also used to implement sequentially coupled simulations, or iterative solvers where flow and transport are decoupled / weakly coupled.
  • Mineralization: An adapter model for mineralization has been added and can be used with all porousmediumflow models. A balance for the solid volume fraction of precipitating, adsorbed, or absorbed substances is added to the existing equations.
  • Solution-dependent spatial params: A redesign of the spatial params interface allows now to define spatial parameters such as permeability and porosity that depend on the solution. This makes it easier to implement mineralization models altering the solid structure of the porous medium.
  • Solid systems: DuMux 3.0 introduces solid systems similar to fluid systems but for solid components. This allows a consistent implementation of mineralization models including reactions, dissolution, precipitation and other processes altering the solid phase of the porous medium.
  • Multidomain: DuMux 3.0 introduces a new multidomain framework which does no longer depend on dune-multidomain and can be used for the coupling of an arbitrary number of subdomains. The sub-domains can be regions in which different sets of equations are solved and/or which have different dimensionalities. The implementation is such that any of the existing DuMux models can be used in the subdomains, while the data and functionality required for the coupling of the sub-domains is implemented in a CouplingManger class. Three different coupling concepts are available, for which there are a number of available CouplingManager class implementations:
    • Boundary: coupling across sub-domain boundaries
    • Embedded: Coupling between a bulk domain and an embedded lower-dimensional sub-domain which has an independent grid
    • Facet: Coupling between a bulk domain and a codimension-one sub-domain, which is conforming with the element facets of the bulk domain
  • Free-flow models: The previous Navier-Stokes model using the box method has been replaced by one that employs a staggered grid discretization. The new method does not require any stabilization techniques while those were necessary for the box method in order to avoid spurious oscillations. The free-flow models in DuMux 3.0 consider single phase flow with or without component/energy transport. So far, only regular Cartesian grids are supported but local grid refinement will be added in a future release. Several RANS models for turbulent flow have been added: k-omega, k-epsilon, low-Re-k-epsilon, one-eq, zero-eq. The RANS models might be subject to further (interface) changes.
  • Thermal and chemical non-equilibrium: The possibility to consider thermal and/or chemical non-equilibrium of several types has been enabled for all porous medium models.
  • Interface solver: For the two-phase flow model in conjunction with the box scheme, an interface solver can now be used to reconstruct the saturations in the sub-control volumes adjacent to vertices that lie on material discontinuities. This allows a sharper representation of the saturation front evolving in heterogeneous porous media.
  • Components: Components can now derive from different base classes, Base, Liquid, Solid, Gas, depending on which phase states are implemented. This can be used to determine at compile time if a component supports a certain phase state.
  • Tabulation of fluid parameter laws: The tabulation of fluid parameter laws has been improved to only tabulate those functions actually used during the simulation. To this end, the tabulation is done on the first call of a corresponding fluid parameter.
  • MPNC: The general m-phase n-component model has been adapted in structure to the other porous medium flow models.
  • Different wettability: The 2p models can now model materials with different wettability (hydrophobic, hydrophilic) in different parts of the domain.
  • Maxwell-Stefan-diffusion: Most models can now use Maxwell-Stefan diffusion for multi-component diffusion instead of Fickian diffusion. There are also a few tests demonstrating how to use it.

Immediate interface changes not allowing/requiring a deprecation period

  • Many classes have been completely redesigned. See the numerous example applications included in 3.0 showcasing all new classes.
  • The GridCreator has been replaced by the GridManager, which no longer uses a singleton for the grid object. This makes it possible to create two grids of the exact same type. The GridManager also handles user data provided in grid files.

Deprecated classes/files, to be removed after 3.0

  • All classes of the sequential models are deprecated. The sequential models will be ported to the new structure of porous medium models (formerly called implicit models). This way sequential and implicit model implementations no longer differ and use the same numerical infrastructure.
  • The TimeManager class is to be replaced by the class TimeLoop.
  • The VtkMultiWriter class is to be replaced by the class VtkOutputModule.
  • The file start.hh is replaced by new style main files.

Deleted classes/files/functions... which have been deprecated in DuMux 2.12

  • Everything listed as deprecated below has been removed.

Differences Between DuMux 2.11 and DuMux 2.12


    • DuMux 2.12 is expected to run based on Dune 2.4.1, 2.5, 2.6 and the Dune master. We will try to keep the compatibility with the Dune master as long as it is technically feasible and our resources allow it. If you want to use DuMux multidomain models, you have to stick with the Dune 2.4 core and specific versions of other modules, see test/multidomain/README for details. Also the geomechanics models require Dune 2.4 and PDELab 2.0.

    • DuMux 2.12 requires at least GCC 4.9 or Clang 3.5 in their C++-14 mode.

    • For employing corner-point grids by means of opm-grid (former dune-cornerpoint), the OPM releases 2017.04 or 2017.10 have to be used.


    • Four new tutorial exercises have been added in the folder tutorial. They can be built by executing make build_tutorials in the build folder. Each exercise comes with detailed instructions:

      1. Exercise 1
      2. Exercise 2
      3. Exercise 3
      4. Exercise 4
    • Fixed bug in heatCapacity() of component air and replace the use of a constant value in gasEnthalpy() by calling heatCapacity().

    • The GnuplotInterface now supports in-simulation generation of image files (*.png).

    • A paraview python script for exporting 2d pictures from *.vtu files has been added.

    • A class for estimating turbulence properties has been added with turbulenceproperties.hh.

  • IMMEDIATE INTERFACE CHANGES not allowing/requiring a deprecation period:

    • gnuplotinterface.hh: The add...ToPlot() functions have changed signature, the curve name/title is not mandatory anymore and can be specified together with the curve options.
  • DELETED classes/files, property names, constants/enums, member functions, which have been deprecated in DuMux 2.11:

    • Everything listed as deprecated below has been removed.

Differences Between DuMux 2.10 and DuMux 2.11


    • DuMux 2.11 is expected to run based on Dune 2.4.1, 2.5 and the Dune master. We will try to keep the compatibility with the Dune master as long as it is technically feasible and our resources allow it. If you want to use DuMux multidomain models, you have to stick with the Dune 2.4 core and specific versions of other modules, see test/multidomain/README for details.

    • DuMux 2.11 requires at least GCC 4.9 or Clang 3.5 in their C++-14 mode.

    • For employing corner-point grids by means of opm-grid (former dune-cornerpoint), the OPM release 2016.04 has to be used.


  • IMMEDIATE INTERFACE CHANGES not allowing/requiring a deprecation period:

    • A gridcreator for piece-of-cake-type grids has been added. It is capable of creating meshes with gradually in- and decreasing distances between nodes. It also allows the creation of a 360° cake where the last elements are connected to the first elements.
    • shouldWriteRestartFile() is now, as shouldWriteOutput() already was, called before the time level is advanced. So it might be necessary to use ...WillBeFinished instead of ...IsFinished for writing restart files at the correct time.
    • In the ZeroEq models, the properties BBoxMinIsWall and BBoxMaxIsWall have been replaced by the functions bBoxMaxIsWall() and bBoxMaxIsWall() in the problem file.
    • In the TwoPNC (and, consequently the TwoPNCMin) models, the old formulations pgSl, plSg as well as pnSw and pwSg have been replaced by the pnsw and pwsn, to satisfy the naming convention and be consistent with TwoPTwoC.
    • In the TwoPTwoC model, the indices are no longer dependent on the formulation. Further, the values of "nPhaseOnly" and "bothPhases" have been harmonized with those in TwoPNC
  • Deprecated PROPERTY and PARAMETER NAMES, to be removed after 2.11: BEWARE: The compiler will not print any warning if a deprecated property or parameter name is used. If possible, a run-time warning will appear in the summary lines after the corresponding run.

  • Deprecated CLASSES/FILES, to be removed after 2.11:

  • Deprecated MEMBER FUNCTIONS, to be removed after 2.11:

  • DELETED classes/files, property names, constants/enums, member functions, which have been deprecated in DuMux 2.10:

    • Everything listed as deprecated below has been removed.

Differences Between DuMux 2.9 and DuMux 2.10


    • DuMux 2.10 is expected to run based on Dune 2.4.1, 2.5 and the Dune master. We will try to keep the compatibility with the Dune master as long as it is technically feasible and our resources allow it. If you want to use DuMux multidomain models, you have to stick with the Dune 2.4 core and specific versions of other modules, see test/multidomain/README for details.

    • DuMux 2.10 requires at least GCC 4.9 or Clang 3.5 in their C++-14 mode.

    • For employing corner-point grids by means of opm-grid (former dune-cornerpoint), the OPM release 2016.04 has to be used.


    • Two new fully-implicit models have been added: ThreePWaterOil and TwoPOneC. The first one admits two components water and oil that may be present in two liquid and one gaseous phase, see test_box3pwateroil in test/porousmediumflow/3pwateroil/implicit for details. The second one is dedicated to one generic component that may be present in liquid and gaseous state, see test_boxsteaminjection in test/porousmediumflow/2p1c/implicit for an example.

    • Numbering of the VTK files starts with 0 now.

    • Using the geostatistical tool gstat for generating random fields has been facilitated. See test_cc1pwithgstat in test/porousmediumflow/1p/implicit. This tool can be installed using the bin/ script. If cmake does not find gstat, one has to specify the GSTAT_ROOT variable, see the standard optim.opts or debug.opts.

    • The multidomain models should now run with all compilers without segfaults, both with optimization and debug options.

    • Computation for two-dimensional fracture networks in three-dimensional space has been fixed and is tested now in test/porousmediumflow/2p/implicit/test_fracture_box2p.

    • The bin folder containing various helper scripts has been restructured. For example, the scripts and are now contained in the subfolder testing.

    • Two new scripts and have been added to bin/postprocessing. They realize what their names suggest.

    • The computation of the tortuosity tau with the Millington-Quirk model has been optimized. Tests show a speedup of up to 5% for a 2p2c simulation.

    • The fully-implicit box scheme now fully supports prism-shaped elements.

    • Convenience functions for reading values from a file to a container and for writing values to a file from a container have been added, see test_container_io in test/io/container.

  • IMMEDIATE INTERFACE CHANGES not allowing/requiring a deprecation period:

    • The problem class interface needs to provide the method maxTimeStepSize(). This is important if you implement problem classes not deriving from the base problem classes in DuMux (ImplicitProblem, OneModelProblem, ImpetProblem, and MultidomainProblem).
    • All name-related methods that previously returned / received const char* do now use the type-safe alternative std::string. An example is FluidSystem::componentName(). If you need a const char* for special operation use the string member c_str().
  • Deprecated PROPERTY and PARAMETER NAMES, to be removed after 2.10: BEWARE: The compiler will not print any warning if a deprecated property or parameter name is used. If possible, a run-time warning will appear in the summary lines after the corresponding run.

    • The pure run-time parameter tau has been renamed to the property and run-time parameter TauTortuosity. For the models 1p2c, 2p2c, 3p3c it got the default value 0.5.
  • Deprecated CLASSES/FILES, to be removed after 2.10:

    • The class DiffusivityConstantTau<TypeTag, Scalar> was renamed to DiffusivityConstant<TypeTag> and is located in a according new header. The old class, its header and the property tau are deprecated.

    • PointSourceHelper<TypeTag> has been deprecated. Use BoundingBoxTreePointSourceHelper<TypeTag> instead.

    • The classes Dumux::Liquid/GasPhase<Scalar, Component> have been moved to the namespace Dumux::FluidSystems.

  • Deprecated MEMBER FUNCTIONS, to be removed after 2.10:

    • checkEffectiveSaturation of the classes PlotMaterialLaw<TypeTag> in dumux/io.

    • concentrationGrad of the class TwoPNCFluxVariables<TypeTag>. Use moleFractionGrad instead, with the obviously different physical meaning.

  • DELETED classes/files, property names, constants/enums, member functions, which have been deprecated in DuMux 2.9:

    • Everything listed as deprecated below has been removed.

Differences Between DuMux 2.8 and DuMux 2.9


    • DuMux 2.9 is expected to run based on either Dune 2.4 or Dune 3.0. We will try to keep the compatibility with Dune 3.0 as long as it is technically feasible and our resources allow it. If you want to use DuMux multidomain models, you have to stick with the Dune 2.4 core and specific versions of other modules, see test/multidomain/README for details.

    • The ALUGrid stand-alone library cannot be used any longer. Use the module dune-alugrid instead. Both the releases/2.4 branch and the master should work.

    • The above is not true if you like to run a sequential MPFA model on an ALUGrid. Then, you currently have to use the master-old branch of dune-alugrid. We will try to fix this as soon as possible. Alternatively, UGGrid or YaspGrid can be chosen as grid managers.

    • Instead of using AlbertaGrid for the tests where dim < dimWorld, we now employ dune-foamgrid. Dune-foamgrid provides 1d and 2d simplex grids embedded in an arbitrary dimension world space. It features element parametrizations, runtime growth, runtime-movable vertices. You might still use AlbertaGrid, but it is not supported by our GridCreator.

    • If you like/have to use corner-point grids by means of the module dune-cornerpoint, you have to use (and partially patch) the 2015.10 release of OPM. See patches/README for details.


    • The folder structure has been changed according to FS#250. This has been a rather massive change affecting more than 1000 files. Close to 400 files have been moved and/or renamed. We made everything backwards-compatible, the worst thing that should happen after switching to DuMux 2.9, will be some warnings when including headers from old destinations/names. You can fix the include statements and get rid of the warnings by applying the bash script bin/ to your source files, for example by executing

      bash ../dumux/bin/ file1 [file2 ...]


      find . -name '*.[ch][ch]' -exec bash ../dumux/bin/ {} \;

      inside the folder that contains your files. A patch is available to remove deprecated header files:

      patch -p1 < patches/dumux-2.9-no-deprecated-headers.patch

      The benefits are hopefully:

      • A clearer structure in terms of the problems that you want to apply DuMux for. Three main application areas on the top level: porousmediumflow, freeflow and geomechanics. The different numerical treatments "fully implicit" or "sequential" appear as discretization detail after the choice of the physical model. That's of course currently rather wishful thinking, but nevertheless where we are headed. The folder implicit on the top level now only contains physics-agnostic classes that can be used by any class of an application area. Please note the change from "decoupled" to "sequential" according to the related task FS#252.

      • Nicer include statements due to relaxation of the naming conventions for the header files. Compare the old

        #include <dumux/multidomain/2cnistokes2p2cni/2cnistokes2p2cnilocaloperator.hh>

        with the new

        #include <dumux/multidomain/2cnistokes2p2cni/localoperator.hh>

      The structure change is reflected in the test folder:

      • The tests fromtest/implicit/particular_model have been moved to test/porousmediumflow/particular_model/implicit. For example, test/implicit/2p has been moved to test/porousmediumflow/2p/implicit.

      • Analogously, the tests from test/decoupled/particular_model have been moved to test/porousmediumflow/particular_model/sequential.

      • The subfolders decoupled and implicit of test have been removed.

      • If you have cloned the DuMux Git repository and have local changes in the folders test/implicit or test/decoupled, you can expect merge conflicts for your next git pull. You can either deal with these conflicts directly or create a patch, remove the local changes, pull, and apply the patch afterwards with some care to respect the changed structure.

    • A two-phase multiple-interacting-continua (MINC) model has been added to the DuMux model portfolio. See test/porousmediumflow/2pminc/implicit for details.

    • The multidomain models have been restructured. Duplicated code has been reduced; isothermal and non-isothermal models are treated in a more consistent manner.

    • It is now possible to specify point sources for implicit models. A point source is a source term specified at any point location in e.g. kg/s. DuMux will compute the correct control volume the source belongs to for you. Point sources can be e.g. solution and/or time-dependent. See tests (1p/implicit/pointsources, 2p/implicit/pointsources) for examples.

    • All tests use our standard GridCreator now. If it is possible to specify the grid entirely in the input-file, the corresponding DGF files have been deleted. In particular, a YaspGrid tensor grid can now also be specified via the input file only.

    • Several sections on our fluid/material framework have been moved from the handbook to the Doxygen documentation.

    • The three-phase constitutive relations from material/fluidmatrixinteractions have been reworked to be consistent with their two-phase analogues. In particular, an EffToAbsLaw and regularization classes have been implemented.

    • In case of a simulation stop due to too many timestep subdivisions, restart files of both the current and the old solution are automatically generated.

  • IMMEDIATE INTERFACE CHANGES not allowing/requiring a deprecation period:

    • All flux variables are now default-constructible. While the non-trivial constructors are deprecated, model implementers might be required to make their flux variables default-constructible too. In particular, this affects you if you develop your own flux variables that

      • inherit from flux variables from dumux-stable, such as the ImplicitDaryFluxVariables,
      • and/or are used in a local residual from dumux-stable. See the mailing list for details.
    • For the multidomain models, the notation of the boundary condition types has changed. This is especially important for all momentum boundary conditions. In general:

      • couplingInflow -> couplingNeumann
      • couplingOutflow -> couplingDirichlet
    • But for the momentum balances:

      • couplingInflow -> couplingDirichlet
      • couplingOutflow -> couplingNeumann
    • Due to the change in the three-phase fluid-matrix-interactions, you might have to adjust your spatial parameters. You should get a compiler warning message that gives you more details.

    • The TypeTags ImplicitModel and ExplicitModel have been deleted. They haven't been used apart from one internal inheritance. See FS#304 for details.

  • Deprecated PROPERTY and PARAMETER NAMES, to be removed after 2.9: BEWARE: The compiler will not print any warning if a deprecated property or parameter name is used. However, a run-time warning should appear in the summary lines after the corresponding run.

    • The word Decoupled in the TypeTags has been replaced by Sequential:
      • DecoupledModel -> SequentialModel
      • DecoupledOneP -> SequentialOneP
      • DecoupledTwoP -> SequentialTwoP
      • DecoupledTwoPTwoC -> SequentialTwoPTwoC
      • DecoupledTwoPTwoCAdaptive -> SequentialTwoPTwoCAdaptive
  • Deprecated CLASSES/FILES, to be removed after 2.9:

    • Self-written parallel linear solvers and corresponding infrastructure, according to FS#293. For parallel runs, use the AMGBackend instead. For sequential runs, direct replacements are:

      • BoxBiCGStabILU0Solver -> ILU0BiCGSTABBackend
      • BoxBiCGStabSORSolver -> SORBiCGSTABBackend
      • BoxBiCGStabSSORSolver -> SSORBiCGSTABBackend
      • BoxBiCGStabJacSolver -> JacBiCGSTABBackend
      • BoxBiCGStabGSSolver -> GSBiCGSTABBackend
      • BoxCGILU0Solver -> ILUnCGBackend
      • BoxCGSORSolver -> SORCGBackend
      • BoxCGSSORSolver -> SSORCGBackend
      • BoxCGJacSolver -> JacCGBackend
      • BoxCGGSSolver -> GSCGBackend
      • IMPETBiCGStabILU0Solver -> ILU0BiCGSTABBackend
    • CubeGridCreator, functionality available in default GridCreator

    • SimplexGridCreator, functionality available in default GridCreator

    • DgfGridCreator, functionality available in default GridCreator (since 2.8)

    • Decoupled...Indices -> Sequential...Indices (BEWARE: maybe no compiler warnings)

  • Deprecated MEMBER FUNCTIONS, to be removed after 2.9:

  • Deprecated protected MEMBER VARIABLES, to be removed after 2.9: BEWARE: Older compilers will not print any warning if a deprecated protected member variable is used.

  • DELETED classes/files, property names, constants/enums, member functions, which have been deprecated in DuMux 2.8:

    • Everything listed as deprecated below has been removed.

Differences Between DuMux 2.7 and DuMux 2.8


    • DuMux 2.8 is expected to run based on either Dune 2.3 or Dune 2.4. However, no attempt has been made to fix the warnings arising from the deprecation of EntityPointer in Dune 2.4. This will be made during the next release cycle. Moreover, using the multidomain models based on Dune 2.4 is currently only possible by patching dune-multidomaingrid. See test/multidomain/README for details.
  • DELETED BUILD SYSTEM: The Autotools based build system was removed, use the CMake based build system as it is default since Dune 2.4.


    • New fully-implicit porous-media models for two fluid phases that may consist of an arbitrary number of components have been added. The basic one is associated with the property TwoPNC, see test/implicit/2pnc. A more advanced one that incorporates solid-fluid phase changes is indicated by TwoPNCMin, see test/implicit/2pncmin.

    • The implicit cell-centered models now can use adaptive grid refinement. To make a test problem adaptive, just set the property AdaptiveGrid to true and choose corresponding indicators via AdaptionInitializationIndicator and AdaptionIndicator, see test/implicit/2p/lensproblem.hh for an example. So far, indicators are only provided for the TwoPModel. Indicators for other models will be provided in the future, as well as parallelization and box discretization.

    • With the CpGridCreator, a grid creator has been introduced that reads from a Petrel output / Eclipse input file and generates a CpGrid that is offered by the OPM module dune-cornerpoint. The fully-implicit cell-centered models are now able to deal with cornerpoint grids. See test/implicit/2p/test_cc2pcornerpoint for a test of the functionality. A realistic corner-point grid will be provided in dumux-lecture soon. The OPM modules need to be patched to be compatible with Dune's CMake based build system, see patches/README for details.

    • Zero equation turbulence models (zeroeq) have been added as new models to the freeflow folder. Tests for coupling a turbulent free flow using zeroeq turbulence models with flow in a porous medium have been added.

    • A new class GridCreator is now the new standard grid creator replacing DgfGridCreator. It comprises all functionality from the DgfGridCreator (see also immediate interface changes), plus the ability to read gmsh, or to build a structured grid (only with Dune 2.4) by merely changing the input file.

    • Multidomain problems can now be run by using the general start routine, just as most other problems. For this, the constructor of the multidomain problems has been changed and the InterfaceMeshCreator has been replaced by the InterfaceGridCreator, see below.

    • The Richards model has now an additional flag useHead, which can be used to switch between a pressure-saturation and a pressureHead-watercontent formulation. The primary variables are either pressure in [Pa] or pressure head in [cm], respectively. Default is useHead = false. See test/implicit/richards for details.

    • A bug in the diffusion term in the freeflow models has been fixed.

    • A lot of work has been devoted to improving the testing environment, adding new tests, restructuring the handbook and improving the documentation.

  • IMMEDIATE INTERFACE CHANGES not allowing/requiring a deprecation period:

    • The (new standard) GridCreator's public method gridPtr has been removed. For using PARAMETERS from DGF files use the GridCreators parameters method via GridCreator::parameters(...). See test/implicit/co2 for an example.

    • The use and support for SGrid is dropped. SGrid is deprecated in Dune 2.4. Use YaspGrid instead.

  • Deprecated PROPERTY and PARAMETER NAMES, to be removed after 2.8: BEWARE: The compiler will not print any warning if a deprecated property or parameter name is used. However, a run-time warning should appear in the summary lines after the corresponding run.

  • Deprecated CLASSES/FILES, to be removed after 2.8:

    • The InterfaceMeshCreator has been moved to InterfaceGridCreator and adapted to the structure of other grid creators, it can simply be used by specifying the GridCreator TypeTag.
  • Deprecated MEMBER FUNCTIONS, to be removed after 2.8:

    • The constructor of the multidomain problems has changed. They will now be called directly from the start.hh, identical to the other problems. The new parameters are the TimeManager and the HostGrid.

    • The method simulate(Scalar dtInitial, Scalar tEnd) from MultiDomainProblem, is unused and will be dropped.

    • The GnuplotInterface functions are now called without giving a window number. If plots should be plotted in different windows, different GnuplotInterface objects are now required. This affects also all other plots in the "io" folder.

    • The write() function in plotoverline2d.hh now has an append function, to be able to decide whether the previously written file should be kept or not.

  • Deprecated protected MEMBER VARIABLES, to be removed after 2.8: BEWARE: Older compilers will not print any warning if a deprecated protected member variable is used.

  • DELETED classes/files, property names, constants/enums, member functions, which have been deprecated in DuMux 2.7: Everything listed as deprecated below has been removed.

Differences Between DuMux 2.6 and DuMux 2.7


    • DuMux 2.7 should work with DUNE 2.3 as well as 2.4. However, at the time of writing, DUNE-multidomain(grid) doesn't work with DUNE 2.4. Therefore, if a DuMux multidomain model should be used, DUNE 2.3 is required. See test/multidomain/README for details.

    • The 2.3 branch of dune-alugrid has no CMake support, use dune-alugrid master respectively 2.4. Or you can fall back to Autotools or use legacy ALUGrid 1.52.


    • Since 2.6, all isothermal implicit porous-media models (except 2pdfm) can be easily enhanced with the energy equation. For 2.7, this has been also carried out for the models that were only isothermal before, namely, 1p, 3p and richards. Tests have been written and are provided in test/implicit. In order to keep the number of subfolders bearable, isothermal as well as thermal tests are gathered in the model folders "1p", "1p2c", ..., "3p3c", "mpnc", "richards" (without the "ni") and the corresponding "ni"-folders have been deleted.

    • All implicit porous-media models (except 2pdfm) are now able to run on grids with dim < dimWorld. In implicit/1p, four new tests are added that run the 1p test problem on 1d-3d and 2d-3d Alberta grids with box and cell-centered, respectively. Compilation has been tested also for all other models, but no runtime testing has been performed.

    • The terminology for the Newton method has been improved according to FS#238. In particular, what has been referred to as "relative error" is now termed "maximum relative shift", while "absolute error" has been renamed to "residual reduction". This is particularly important, if corresponding parameters or properties are set, see below.

    • The geomechanics ElTwoPModel runs in parallel now. This is made possible by a dedicated solver, the El2PAMGBackend which has to be set for the property LinearSolver in the problem file. See test/geomechanics/el2p for details.

    • Before, velocity output for the implicit porous-media models only worked for cube grids. This has been generalized to simplices (box and cc) and prisms/ pyramids (box only).

    • Revised and fixed restart capability for the multidomain models.

    • A gnuplot interface has been added (works only with CMake). With this interface it is possible to plot material laws (like in the 2p2cni test), or to generate live-updating output (like in test_2cnistokes2p2cni). The gnuplot interface reads analytical functions, data file or data arrays.

    • The fuzzycompare script for automatic testing has been improved. Instead of printing only the first deviation from the reference solution, it now prints the maximum deviation in each field/variable.

  • DEPRECATED BUILD SYSTEM: DuMux 2.7 will be the last release which can be built with the Autotools based build system. It is deprecated and will be removed for DuMux 2.8. We encourage the change towards CMake, especially with the upcoming DUNE 2.4. The warning can be suppressed with --disable-dumux-deprecated-autotools

  • IMMEDIATE INTERFACE CHANGES not allowing/requiring a deprecation period:

    • Before, the "heatCapacity" function in the spatial parameters and volume variables of the implicit nonisothermal models was a misnomer, since it returned an effective quantity, namely, heatCapacitydensity(1 - porosity) in [J/(K m^3)]. Except for mpnc, which resulted in an additional inconsistency. Corresponding to the decision documented in FS#216, the function has been renamed to "solidHeatCapacity" and returns always the "true" (non-effective) heat capacity in [J/(kg K)]. This requires an additional function "solidDensity" which returns the mass density of the porous matrix. Moreover, the functions "thermalConductivitySolid/Fluid" are renamed to "solid/fluidThermalConductivity". The decision to prepend with "solid/fluid" rather than to append is motivated by consistency with components and fluid systems, where "gas" and "liquid" are always prepended to the corresponding function names. Therefore, it might be necessary to adapt your thermal solid parameters in the spatialparams file such that they offer functions "solidHeatCapacity", "solidDensity" and "solidThermalConductivity". See test/implicit/2p2c/injectionspatialparams.hh for an example.

    • Due to the change in the Newton terminology (see above), there exist two backward-compatibility breakages: . If a model re-implements the function "relativeErrorDof", it has to be renamed to "relativeShiftAtDof". See dumux/implicit/implicitmodel.hh for an example.

      . If a NewtonController re-implements the function "newtonUpdateRelError", it has to be renamed to "newtonUpdateShift". See dumux/nonlinear/newtoncontroller.hh for an example.

    • The properties "AMGPDELabBackend" and "AMGLocalFemMap" have been unified to "AmgTraits".

  • Deprecated PROPERTY and PARAMETER NAMES, to be removed after 2.7: BEWARE: The compiler will not print any warning if a deprecated property or parameter name is used. However, a run-time warning should appear in the summary lines after the corresponding run.

    • Corresponding to the improved Newton terminology, the following properties (prepended with "Newton") and parameters (in the group "Newton") are renamed: AbsTolerance -> ResidualReduction EnableAbsoluteCriterion -> EnableResidualCriterion RelTolerance -> MaxRelativeShift EnableRelativeCriterion -> EnableShiftCriterion SatisfyAbsAndRel -> SatisfyResidualAndShiftCriterion
  • Deprecated CLASSES/FILES, to be removed after 2.7:

    • SeqAMGBackend and ScaledSeqAMGBackend, replaced by AMGBackend.

    • P0LocalFiniteElementMap.

    • CellData2P2Cmultiphysics, replaced by CellData2P2CMultiPhysics.

    • BoxLocalOperator from dumux/multidomain/common/pdelablocaloperator.hh.

  • Deprecated MEMBER FUNCTIONS, to be removed after 2.7:

    • The functions "heatCapacity", "densitySolid" (mpnc only) and "thermalConductivitySolid/Fluid" in the VolumeVariables of the nonisothermal implicit porous-media models: use "solidHeatCapacity", "solidDensity" and "solid/fluidThermalConductivity" instead. See also the immediate interface changes above.

    • In dumux/implicit/common/implicitmodel.hh and dumux/geomechanics/el2p/elp2basemodel.hh: "relativeErrorDof" -> "relativeShiftAtDof"

    • In dumux/nonlinear/newtoncontroller.hh: "setRelTolerance" -> "setMaxRelativeShift" "setAbsTolerance" -> "setResidualReduction" "newtonUpdateRelError" -> "newtonUpdateShift"

    • The 1p2c volume variables no longer use the method tortuosity() from spatial params class, the value is now calculated within the effective diffusivity model. Thus the method is deprecated in the spatial params classes FVSpatialParamsOneP and ImplicitSpatialParamsOneP.

  • Deprecated protected MEMBER VARIABLES, to be removed after 2.7: BEWARE: Older compilers will not print any warning if a deprecated protected member variable is used.

    • In dumux/nonlinear/newtoncontroller.hh: "error_" -> "shift_" "lastError_" -> "lastShift_" "tolerance_" -> "shiftTolerance_" "absoluteError_" -> "reduction_" "lastAbsoluteError_" -> "lastReduction_" "initialAbsoluteError_" -> "initialResidual_" "absoluteTolerance_" -> "reductionTolerance_" "enableRelativeCriterion_" -> "enableShiftCriterion_" "enableAbsoluteCriterion_" -> "enableResidualCriterion_" "satisfyAbsAndRel_" -> "satisfyResidualAndShiftCriterion_"
  • DELETED classes/files, property names, constants/enums, member functions, which have been deprecated in DuMux 2.6: Everything listed as deprecated below has been removed.

Differences Between DuMux 2.5 and DuMux 2.6


    • For the non-isothermal porous media models, the energy equation is implemented in a more generic way for all models in dumux/implicit/nonisothermal. The existing TypeTag names like TwoPNI stay the same. If a new non-isothermal model should be used, it is important to NOT include anything from the old model-specific implementation like from dumux/implicit/2pni, but to include from the model folder without the "ni". See test/implicit/2pni for details. In principle, any isothermal porous media model can be enhanced with the energy equation. Ideally, only the corresponding property files have to be augmented. See dumux/implicit/2p/2ppropert*.hh for details. The 1p2c model already has been enhanced, the remaining models will follow in 2.7.

    • The AMG backend is based directly on dune-istl now. No PDELab is required anymore. The tests so far exhibit an improved robustness. Thanks to Markus Blatt for the work.

    • The multidomain models can now be used with the 2.3 release versions of the DUNE core modules and dune-multidomaingrid, and the 2.0 release versions of dune-pdelab and dune-multidomain. See test/multidomain/README for details.

    • In the fully implicit mpnc model, a further specialization allows now to describe two-phase flow with two energy equations.

    • The free flow models now include the component enthalpy fluxes transported by diffusion processes (h^k D grad x), which was not considered before.

    • UMFPack is a new direct linear solver and can be use as a drop-in replacement for SuperLU. Some users claim a speed-up up to a factor of seven. We know cases where it was 10% slower, so please measure for your problems.

  • IMMEDIATE INTERFACE CHANGES not allowing/requiring a deprecation period:

    • The 3p3cni model now also uses an effective thermal conductivity model (ETCM). The ETCM is easily exchangeable. The default one is ThermalConductivitySomerton, which is implemented in dumux/material/fluidmatrixinteractions/3p. The ETCM requires that 3p3cni spatial parameters provide a function thermalConductivitySolid instead of matrixHeatFlux. See test/implicit/3p3cni/columnxylolspatialparams.hh for details. Moreover, the employed fluid system has to actually implement the function thermalConductivity. See dumux/material/fluidsystems/h2oairxylenefluidsystem.hh for details.

    • The non-isothermal flux variables call the effective thermal conductivity models (ETCM) in a different way. If you used a self-written ETCM and want to use a new non-isothermal model, the ETCM has to be adapted. See material/fluidmatrixinteractions/2p/thermalconductivitysomerton.hh for details.

    • Fully implicit mpnc model: in order to account for the possibility of using two energy equations, the boolean property EnableKineticEnergy has been changed to the integer property NumEnergyEquations.

  • Deprecated way of setting command line parameters, to be removed after 2.6:

    • To set parameters from the command line, the notation --parameterFile=NAME is deprecated. Use from now on -ParameterFile NAME.
  • Deprecated CLASSES/FILES, to be removed after 2.6:

    • The old non-isothermal porous media models are deprecated. Technically, including a ..niproperties.hh file triggers a deprecation warning.

    • FVPressure2P2CAdaptive, use dimension-specific implementations FV2dPressure2P2CAdaptive and FV3dPressure2P2CAdaptive instead.

    • FVTransport2P2CAdaptive, use dimension-specific implementations FV2dTransport2P2CAdaptive and FV3dTransport2P2CAdaptive instead.

  • Deprecated MEMBER FUNCTIONS, to be removed after 2.6:

    • In the Stokes flux variables, the method eddyViscosity() is deprecated, use dynamicEddyViscosity() instead.

    • In the Stokes non-isothermal flux variables, the method eddyConductivity() is deprecated, use thermalEddyConductivity() instead.

    • Already in 2.5, the following member functions of MultiDomainModel/Problem have been deprecated: subProblemX, subModelX, subIDX, gridViewX with X=1,2. They are replaced by sdProblemX, sdModelX, sdIDX, sdGridViewX.

  • DELETED classes/files, property names, constants/enums, member functions, which have been deprecated in DuMux 2.5: Everything listed as deprecated below has been removed.

Differences Between DuMux 2.4 and DuMux 2.5


    • The three-dimensional implementation of the MPFA L-method is made available for the decoupled compositional 2p2c models. It also allows for simulation on an adaptive grid.
    • Coupling of 2c2p with stokesnc and 2p2cNI with Stokesncni was added. The stokes2c and stokes2cni are now DEPRECATED and will be kicked out by the next release. Instead generalized stokesnc and stokesncni models are introduced. Unlike 2c models the transport equations in the nc models are capapable of using both mass and mole fractions. NOTE: For coupling test examples be aware of the harsh version restrictions mentioned in dumux/test/modelcoupling/README.
  • IMMEDIATE INTERFACE CHANGES not allowing/requiring a deprecation period:

    • Dropped support for PDELab 1.0.1, PDELab 1.1 is required.
  • Deprecated CLASSES/FILES, to be removed after 2.5:

    • Stokes2cModel was replaced by StokesNCModel, similar for more Stokes2c* classes.
  • DELETED classes/files, property names, constants/enums, member functions, which have been deprecated in DuMux 2.4: Everything listed as deprecated below has been removed.

Differences Between DuMux 2.3 and DuMux 2.4


    • If the current trunk version of DUNE (2.3) is used, the co2 and co2ni tests require that the DUNE_GRID_EXPERIMENTAL_GRID_EXTENSIONS flag is set. This flag is needed in order to be able to use the function boundaryId(). An error is thrown during compilation if the flag is not set. For reference see the commented part in optim.opts and debug.opts.

    • All two-component models (1p2c, 2p2c, 2p2cni, co2, co2ni) can now be used with either mole or mass fractions. The property useMoles has to be set in the problem file and the boundary conditions have to be chosen accordingly. . 1p2c, 2p2c, 2p2cni use MOLE fractions by default. . co2, co2ni use MASS fractions by default. . For completeness: 3p3c, 3p3cni and mpnc use MOLE fractions only.


    • Three geomechanics models have been added, thanks to the previous PhD work of Melanie Darcis. The models are located in dumux/geomechanics, a test for each model is provided in test/geomechanics: . elastic: linear elasticity equations that account only for the solid mechanics. . el1p2c: poroelasticity equations for one solid and one fluid phase, where the fluid phase is admitted to consist of two components. . el2p: poroelasticity equations for one solid phase and two immiscible fluid phases.

    • A three-dimensional implementation of the MPFA L-method is added and made available for the decoupled 2p models. It also allows for simulation on an adaptive grid.

    • The MPNC model now allows to drop the assumptions of local thermal and/or chemical equilibrium. Dropping the local chemical equilibrium assumption leads to mole fractions in different phases that are not determined via equilibrium relations. If the local thermal equilibrium assumption is dropped, phases (fluids and solid) are locally allowed to have different temperatures. See test/implicit/mpnc/test_boxmpnckinetic for an example.

    • A fully-implicit three-phase immiscible model has been added. The headers are contained in dumux/implicit/3p, tests are provided in test/implicit/3p.

    • The handling of Dirichlet boundary conditions for the fully-implicit cell- centered models has been improved. Now, the conditions are evaluated at the centers of the corresponding boundary faces. In general, they are incorporated into the local residual in a weak sense. Only for mixed Dirichlet/Neumann conditions and for the MPNC model, they still are incorporated in a strong sense.

    • The sequential models can use a sub-timestepping in the transport scheme, if the property "SubCFLFactor" is chosen smaller than "CFLFactor", which in that case specifies the CFL factor used in the pressure equation.

    • All fully-implicit porous-media models now provide the possibility to write the velocities to the VTK output. This can be achieved by setting the parameter "AddVelocity" of the group "Vtk" or the corresponding property "VtkAddVelocity." See test/implicit/1p2c for an example.

    • The CMake build system support uses the experimental mechanisms from DUNE. Recent versions of Dune 2.3-svn or newer are required to use CMake.

    • Our naming rules have been refined and enforced for member functions and variables. Many inconsistencies could be removed, especially the special status of the capitalized "S" indicating saturation. See the deprecation listings below or FS#180 for details.

    • Misleading names in the fully-implicit models that still contained "b/Box" have been replaced by more generic ones. See the deprecation listings below or FS#194 for details.

    • The ...FVElementGeometry classes have been cleaned up a bit. See the deprecation listings below or FS#192 for details.

    • Added compiler support for Clang 3.2, Clang 3.3, and GCC 4.8.

  • Deprecated CLASSES/FILES, to be removed after 2.4:

    • OnePBoxModel, OnePTwoCBoxModel -> OnePModel, OnePTwoCModel

    • Headers containing capitalized letters are replaced by their non-capitalized analogs. In dumux/decoupled: 1p/cellData1p.hh, 1p/fluxData1p.hh, 2p/cellData2padaptive.hh, 2p/fluxData2p.hh, 2p/cellData2p.hh, 2p2c/cellData2p2c.hh, 2p2c/cellData2p2cadaptive.hh, 2p2c/fluxData2p2c.hh, 2p2c/cellData2p2cmultiphysics.hh. In dumux/material/fluidmatrixinteractions/3p: parkerVanGen3p.hh, parkerVanGen3pparams.hh.

  • Deprecated CONSTANTS/ENUMS, to be removed after 2.4: BEWARE: Older compilers will not print any warning if a deprecated constant/enum is used.

    • saturation indices: S0Idx, SnIdx, SnOrXIdx, SOrX1Idx, SOrX2Idx, SwIdx, SwOrXIdx -> s0Idx, snIdx, snOrXIdx, sOrX1Idx, sOrX2Idx, swIdx, swOrXIdx

    • two-phase formulations: pnSn, pnSw, pwSn, pwSw -> pnsn, pnsw, pwsn, pwsw

    • DecoupledTwoPCommonIndices: pressureNW, saturationNW, velocityNW -> pressureNw, saturationNw, velocityNw

    • DecoupledTwoPIndices: pressEqIdx -> pressureEqIdx

    • MPNCIndices: NumPrimaryEnergyVars, NumPrimaryVars -> numPrimaryEnergyVars, numPrimaryVars

  • Deprecated public MEMBER VARIABLES, to be removed after 2.4: BEWARE: Older compilers will not print any warning if a deprecated public member variable is used.

    • ...FVElementGeometry: numEdges, numFaces, numFap, numVertices -> numScvf, -, numFap of each subcontrolvolume face, numScv

    • BoxFVElementGeometry: edgeCoord, faceCoord

  • Deprecated MACROS, to be removed after 2.4: BEWARE: The compiler will not print any warning if a deprecated macro is used.

    • DUMUX_ALWAYS_INLINE whether the according attribute is supported
  • Deprecated MEMBER FUNCTIONS, to be removed after 2.4:

    • all problems: bboxMin/Max() -> bBoxMin/Max()

    • ImplicitProblem: boxSDNeumann(), boxSDSource() -> solDependentNeumann(), solDependentSource()

    • ImplicitPorousMediaProblem: boxGravity(), boxTemperature() -> gravityAtPos(), temperatureAtPos() (different signatures!)

    • fluid-matrix-interactions: dkrn_dSw(), dkrw_dSw(), dpc_dSw(), pC(), dSw_dpC(), Sgr(), Snr(), SnToSne(), Sw(), Swr(), SwToSwe() -> dkrn_dsw(), dkrw_dsw(), dpc_dsw(), pc(), dsw_dpc(), sgr(), snr(), snToSne(), sw(), swr(), swToSwe()

    • LinearMaterial(Params): entryPC(), maxPC(), setEntryPC(), setMaxPC() -> entryPc(), maxPc(), setEntryPc(), setMaxPc()

    • RegularizedVanGenuchten(Params): pCHighSw(), pCLowSw() -> pcHighSw(), pcLowSw()

    • VanGenuchtenParams, ParkerVanGen3PParams: setVgM(), setVgN(), vgM(), vgN() -> setVgm(), setVgn(), vgm(), vgn()

    • ParkerVanGen3P(Params): betaGN(), betaGW(), betaNW(), pCAlpha(), pCGN(), pCGW(), pCNW(), setBeta..., setkrRegardsSnr(), Swrx() -> betaGn(), betaGw(), betaNw(), pcAlpha(), pcgn(), pcgw(), pcnw(), setBeta..., setKrRegardsSnr(), swrx()

    • MPLinearMaterialParams: Sreg() -> sReg()

    • EvalCflFlux...: getCFLFluxFunction() -> getCflFluxFunction

    • FVMPFAOInteractionVolume: getNTKNu_by_dF(), getNTKNu(), getNTKrKNu_by_dF(), getNTKrKNu() -> getNtkNu_df(), getNtkNu(), getNtkrkNu_df(), getNtkrkNu()

    • TwoPDFMVolumeVariables: dSM_dSF() -> dsm_dsf()

    • Stokes...Variables: viscosity() -> dynamicViscosity()

    • IAPWS water: ddgamma_ddpi, ddgamma_ddtau, ddgamma_dtaudpi, dgamma_dpi, dgamma_dtau, dp_dpi, dpi_dp, dtau_dt -> ddGamma_ddPi, ddGamma_ddTau, ddGamma_dTaudPi, dGamma_dPi, dGamma_dTau, dp_dPi, dPi_dp, dTau_dt

  • DELETED classes/files, property names, constants/enums, member functions/variables, which have been deprecated in DuMux 2.3: Everything listed as deprecated below has been removed.

Differences Between DuMux 2.2 and DuMux 2.3


    • A fully implicit two-phase discrete-fracture-matrix model has been added, see test/implicit/2pdfm.

    • Almost all porous media fully implicit models now can either use a vertex-centered (box) or a cell-centered spatial discretization. The choice of the spatial discretization method is controlled by deriving the problem type tag either from BoxModel or CCModel. This allows for a uniform problem description, as long as the boundaryTypesAtPos and dirichletAtPos methods can be used. By evaluating the compile-time property ImplicitIsBox, it is easily possible to separately handle the different discretizations inside am common method. See the tests in test/implicit for examples. Correspondingly, the directory structure has been adapted. Old: New: dumux/ dumux/ boxmodels/ implicit/ common/ common/ 1p/ box/ 1p2c/ cellcentered/ 2p/ 1p/ ... ... test/ test/ boxmodels/ implicit/ 1p/ 1p/ test_1p test_box1p ... test_cc1p ...

    • A backend for the ISTL AMG solver has been included, based on the corresponding DUNE-PDELab backends. It can be used for the fully implicit and the decoupled models, see test_*1pwithamg in test/implicit/1p and test_impeswithamg in test/decoupled/2p. DUNE-PDELab and possibly DUNE-ISTL have to be patched, see the file README in the patches directory.

    • The decoupled models have been parallelized, see test_impeswithamg in test/decoupled/2p. They work in parallel only if the AMGBackend is used as linear solver. No dynamic loadbalancing can be done yet.

    • The MPNC model can use either the most wetting or the most nonwetting phase pressure as primary variable. This is controlled via the property "PressureFormulation."

    • The table of available parameters has been improved, see

    • Improved handling of the conductive heat fluxes in the non-isothermal implicit two-phase models, see the problem files in test/implicit/2p(2c)ni.

    • Introduced new selection of start/stop messages.

  • IMMEDIATE INTERFACE CHANGES not allowing/requiring a deprecation period:

    • The property Salinity used in the BrineCO2FluidSystem has been renamed to ProblemSalinity.

    • The matrixHeatFlux(...) and boundaryMatrixHeatFlux(...) methods in the spatial parameters of nonisothermal implicit twophase models have been removed. Instead, the computation of the effective thermal conductivity has been sourced out to the fluidmatrixinteractions in a separate file dumux/material/fluidmatrixinteractions/thermalconductivitysomerton.hh, which can be exchanged. The spatial parameters file needs a method thermalConductivitySolid(...), where the thermal conductivity of the solid material only is specified. The rest is computed in the respective flux variables.

  • Deprecated CLASSES/FILES, to be removed after 2.3:

    • The following headers in dumux/boxmodels/ have been deprecated and forward to the corresponding headers in dumux/implicit/box: boxassembler.hh, boxelementvolumevariables.hh, boxlocalresidual.hh, boxpropertydefaults.hh, boxelementboundarytypes.hh, boxfvelementgeometry.hh, boxproperties.hh, intersectiontovertexbc.hh

    • All headers in the following subdirectories of dumux/boxmodels have been deprecated and forward to the headers in the corresponding subdirectories of dumux/implicit: 1p, 1p2c, 2p, 2p2c, 2p2cni, 2pdfm, 2pni, 3p3c, 3p3cni, co2, co2ni, mpnc, richards

    • Some box-specific classes "Box..." in dumux/boxmodels/common could be completely replaced by unified "Implicit..." classes in dumux/implicit/common: ...DarcyFluxVariables, ...darcyfluxvariables.hh ...ForchheimerFluxVariables, ...forchheimerfluxvariables.hh ...LocalJacobian, ...localjacobian.hh ...Model, ...model.hh ...PorousMediaProblem, ...porousmediaproblem.hh ...Problem, ...problem.hh ...VolumeVariables, ...volumevariables.hh

    • The box-specific spatial parameter classes BoxSpatialParams... in dumux/material/boxspatialparams....hh have been deprecated in favor of ImplicitSpatialParams... in dumux/material/implicitspatialparams....hh.

    • The GridCreatorheaders from dumux/common have been moved to dumux/io: cubegridcreator.hh, dgfgridcreator.hh, simplexgridcreator.hh

  • Deprecated PROPERTY NAMES, to be removed after 2.3: BEWARE: The compiler will not print any warning if a deprecated property name is used.

    • CompositionFromFugacitiesSolver has been renamed to Constraintsolver.
  • Deprecated public MEMBER VARIABLES, to be removed after 2.3: BEWARE: The compiler will not print any warning if a deprecated public member variable is used.

    • numFAP and numSCV in Box(CC)FVElementGeometry have been renamed to numFap and numScv, respectively.
  • Deprecated MEMBER FUNCTIONS, to be removed after 2.3:

    • boundaryMatrixHeatFlux, markVertexRed and relativeErrorVertex from ImplicitSpatialParams, ImplicitAssembler and ImplicitModel, respectively. In favor of using thermalConductivitySolid (see above), markDofRed and relativeErrorDof, respectively.
  • DELETED classes/files, property names, constants/enums, member functions, which have been deprecated in DuMux 2.2: Everything listed as deprecated below has been removed.

Differences Between DuMux 2.1 and DuMux 2.2


    • Two new fully implicit models dedicated to simulate compositional (non-isothermal) CO2-brine systems have been added, together with corresponding components and a fluid system. See test/boxmodels/co2(ni) for details. These tests also illustrate the usage of element and vertex parameters as well as boundary ids provided by DGF files for setting permeability and porosity as well as boundary conditions.

    • Decoupled Models: An h-adaptive model using an MPFA L-method was added that simulates 2p and 2p2c flow on unstructured grids with hanging nodes in two dimensions. See test/decoupled/2p(2c) for details.

    • All fully implicit porous media models are now capable of employing the Forchheimer equation as an alternative to the commonly used Darcy law. See test_forchheimer*p in test/boxmodels/mpnc for details.

    • The Stokes models are now able to simulate the full Navier-Stokes equations for momentum transport. See test/freeflow/navierstokes for details.

    • The fully implicit models have been (partially) generalized to allow for a cell-centered discretization in addition to the default vertex-centered (box) one. Cell-centered fully implicit 2p and 2p2c models are already available in the developers part of DuMux. Further generalizations and the inclusion in the stable part are planned for DuMux 2.3.

    • Several model-specific features and classes have been unified, like the calculation of the Darcy velocity for the fully implicit flux variables, or the temperature, gravity, and spatial parameter functionalities of the fully implicit problems. Moreover, many names have been made more consistent. This includes the naming and grouping of several parameters and corresponding properties, the indexing of phases and components, and the preference of the partial name "params" over "parameters." For details, see also the deprecations listed below.

    • Added compiler support for GCC 4.7 and Clang 3.1.

  • IMMEDIATE INTERFACE CHANGES not allowing a deprecation period:

    • From Dune 2.2 on, FieldVector::size is a method rather than an enum value. It is mandatory to add the flag --enable-fieldvector-size-is-method to the CONFIGURE_FLAGS. An example is given in the opts file dumux/debug.opts.

    • Implicit models: TwoPIndices, TwoPNIIndices, and RichardsIndices additionally get TypeTag as template parameter. If the Indices are not obtained via the property, this has to be adapted.

    • Implicit models: All model-specific computeFlux functions in ...localresidual.hh have to get an additional bool parameter onBoundary, which is by default set to false. If outflow conditions should be properly implemented, also the constructor of the flux variables in ...fluxvariables.hh has to get the additional argument and the class has to be adapted to deal with boundary faces. See FS#117 and #99 for details.

  • Deprecated CLASSES/FILES, to be removed after 2.2:

    • Model specific base box problems: The common functionality has been collected in PorousMediaBoxProblem in dumux/boxmodels/common/porousmediaboxproblem.hh. The problem can be derived from PorousMediaBoxProblem, instead of the model specific base problem: OnePBoxProblem, dumux/boxmodels/1p/1pproblem.hh, OnePTwoCBoxProblem, dumux/boxmodels/1p2c/1p2cproblem.hh, TwoPProblem, dumux/boxmodels/2p/2pproblem.hh, TwoPNIProblem, dumux/boxmodels/2pni/2pniproblem.hh, TwoPTwoCProblem, dumux/boxmodels/2p2c/2p2cproblem.hh, TwoPTwoCNIProblem, dumux/boxmodels/2p2cni/2p2cniproblem.hh, ThreePThreeCProblem, dumux/boxmodels/3p3c/3p3cproblem.hh, ThreePThreeCNIProblem, dumux/boxmodels/3p3cni/3p3cniproblem.hh, MPNCProblem, dumux/boxmodels/mpnc/mpncproblem.hh.

    • All "...SpatialParameters" base classes have been replaced by "...SpatialParams" classes: BoxSpatialParameters, dumux/material/spatialparameters/boxspatialparameters.hh, BoxSpatialParametersOneP, dumux/material/spatialparameters/boxspatialparameters1p.hh, FVSpatialParameters, dumux/material/spatialparameters/fvspatialparameters.hh, FVSpatialParametersOneP, dumux/material/spatialparameters/fvspatialparameters1p.hh.

    • Due to the unification of flux variables for the fully implicit models, some model-specific flux variables have become obsolete: OnePFluxVariables, dumux/boxmodels/1p/1pfluxvariables.hh, TwoPFluxVariables, dumux/boxmodels/2p/2pfluxvariables.hh, RichardsFluxVariables, dumux/boxmodels/richards/richardsfluxvariables.hh.

    • Two components have new names and locations in dumux/material/components: SimpleDNAPL, simplednapl.hh -> DNAPL, napl.hh Oil, oil.hh -> LNAPL, lnapl.hh

    • Some MPFA-O method files/classes have been moved to a new subdirectory "omethod" in dumux/decoupled/2p/diffusion/fvmpfa: fvmpfaopressure2p.hh, fvmpfaovelocity2p.hh, fvmpfaopressureproperties2p.hh

    • DUMUX_UNUSED is deprecated and will be removed after 2.2. It should be replaced by the upstream version DUNE_UNUSED.

    • DUMUX_DEPRECATED_MSG is deprecated and will be removed after 2.2. It should be replaced by the upstream version DUNE_DEPRECATED_MSG.

  • Deprecated PROPERTY NAMES, to be removed after 2.2: BEWARE: The compiler will not print any warning if a deprecated property name is used.

    • The "SpatialParameters" property has been renamed to "SpatialParams".

    • The model specific "...Indices" property has been renamed to "Indices".

  • Deprecated CONSTANTS/ENUMS, to be removed after 2.2: BEWARE: The compiler will not print any warning if a deprecated constant/enum is used.

    • In the 2p2c/ni and 3p3c/ni models, all indices related to phase and components can be pre/suffixed with "w", "n" and, for three phases, with "g". boxmodels/2p2c/...: "l", "g" pre/suffixes have been replaced by "w", "n". boxmodels/3p3c/...: "c", "a" pre/suffixes have been replaced by "n", "g".
  • Deprecated MEMBER FUNCTIONS, to be removed after 2.2:

    • Spatial parameters: The spatialParameters member functions of the base problems have been replaced by spatialParams: dumux/boxmodels/common/porousmediaboxproblem.hh, dumux/decoupled/1p/diffusion/diffusionproblem...hh, dumux/decoupled/2p/impes/impesproblem2p.hh, dumux/decoupled/2p/transport/transportproblem2p.hh.

    • Flux variables: Renaming of members "...AtIP" -> "...", "concentration..." -> "massFraction...", "molarConc..." -> "moleFraction..." The "massFraction..." members have been deprecated, instead "moleFraction..." should be used. Affected files: dumux/boxmodels/1p2c/1p2cfluxvariables.hh, dumux/boxmodels/2p2c/2p2cfluxvariables.hh, dumux/boxmodels/mpnc/.../...fluxvariables.hh, dumux/freeflow/stokes.../stokes...fluxvariables.hh.

    • Box models: The primaryVarWeight() functions are no longer used for the evaluation of the relative error.

    • Element and FVElementGeometry: The elem_() and fvElemGeom_() member function of BoxLocalResidual have been replaced by element_() and fvGeometry_().

    • Primary variables: All "...primaryVar/s" member functions have been replaced by "...priVar/s": dumux/boxmodels/common/boxlocalresidual.hh, dumux/boxmodels/common/boxvolumevariables.hh.

    • Start functionality in dumux/common/start.hh: printUsageDGF and printUsageGrid are no longer needed.

  • DELETED member functions, which have been deprecated in DuMux 2.1:

    • dumux/material/spatialparameters/boxspatialparameters1p.hh: extrusionFactorScv and extrusionFactorScvf, now part of the volume variables

    • dumux/material/idealgas.hh: concentration, replaced by molarDensity

    • dumux/material/fluidmatrixinteractions/2p/efftoabslaw.hh: pC(const Params &params, Scalar Sw, const Scalar temperature)

    • dumux/common/start.hh: startFromDGF, startWithGrid, startWithParameters, all replaced by start

    • dumux/common/spline.hh: set(const ScalarArray&, const ScalarArray&, Scalar, Scalar), replaced by setXYArrays, set(const PointArray&, Scalar, Scalar), replaced by setArrayOfPoints

    • dumux/common/variablelengthspline_.hh, dumux/common/fixedlengthspline_.hh: various set routines, replaced by more descriptive names

    • dumux/io/vtkmultiwriter.hh: VtkMultiWriter(const std::string&, std::string), replaced by VtkMultiWriter(const GridView&, ...), beginTimeStep, replaced by beginWrite, createField, replaced by allocateManagedBuffer, addVertexData, replaced by attachVertexData, addCellData, replaced by attachCellData, endTimeStep, replaced by endWrite

    • dumux/decoupled/2p2c/2p2cproblem.hh: IMPETProblem2P2C(const GridView&, bool) replaced by IMPETProblem2P2C(TimeManager&, ...), IMPETProblem2P2C(..., SpatialParameters&, ...) replaced by IMPETProblem2P2C(TimeManager&, ...), initSat(const GlobalPosition&, const Element&) replaced by initSat(const Element&) initConcentration(const GlobalPosition&, const Element&) replaced by initConcentration(const Element&)

    • DUMUX_DEPRECATED has been removed.

Notable Differences Between DuMux 2.0 and DuMux 2.1

  • The thermodynamics framework has been overhauled:
    • The programming interfaces for fluid systems, fluid states and components has been formalized and cleaned up.
    • Fluid systems now have the option to cache computationally expensive parameters if they are needed for several relations.
    • Fluid systems are not charged with the computation of the chemical equilibrium anymore.
    • Fluid states are now centralized infrastructure instead of being model-specific.
    • Constraint solvers (which simplify solving thermodynamic constraints) have been introduced.
  • Outflow boundary conditions have been implemented for the fully-implicit models 1p2c, 2p2c(ni) and stokes(2cni).
  • The problem and spatial parameter base classes also provide optional model-independent interfaces. These methods only get the position in global coordinates as argument and are named *AtPos() (e.g. boundaryTypesAtPos()). This allows an easy transfer of problem definitions between implicit and sequential models.
  • The following fully-implicit models have been added:
    • 3p3c, 3p3cni: Isothermal and non-isothermal three-phase, three-component models for flow and transport in porous media based on primary variable switching.
    • MpNc: A model for arbitrary number of phases M > 0, and components (N >= M - 1 >= 1) for flow and transport in porous media. This model also comes with an energy and a molecular diffusion module.
    • stokes, stokes2c, stokes2cni: Models for the plain Stokes equation as well as isothermal and non-isothermal Stokes models for two-component fluids.
  • The sequentially-coupled models have been overhauled:
    • A common structure for cell centered standard finite volume implementations has been introduced.
    • The data structures where overhauled to avoid large clumps of data in large-scale simulations: Each cell stores data in its own storage object.
    • The too large assemble() methods have been split into submethods getStorage(), getFlux() etc. By this, inheritance of classes has been improved and code duplication was reduced.
    • The conceptual separation of the "VariableClass" (central infrastructure), data storage, transport model and pressure model has been improved.
    • More of infrastructure is now shared with the implicit models (e.g. the BoundaryTypes). This results in significant performance improvements and makes debugging easier.
  • The 2padaptive sequentially coupled model has been added. This model implements a grid-adaptive finite volume scheme for immiscible two-phase flow in porous media on non-conforming quadrilateral grids.
  • The dependencies for the external dune-pdelab and boost packages have been removed.
  • The build system has received major improvements:
    • There is now much better test coverage of build-time dependencies on packages for the default autotools-based build system.
    • Experimental support for building DuMux using CMake has been much improved. In the long run, CMake is projected to become the default build system.
  • All headers can now be included without any preconditions.
  • DuMux now compiles without warnings if the -pedantic flag used for GCC.
  • Specifying run-time parameters is now possible. The mechanism allows to use parameter files or to specify parameters directly on the command line and fallback parameter input files have been added for each test application. As a consequence, applications can be run now without specifying any command line arguments.
  • The DuMux property system has been fine-tuned:
    • Encapsulating property names with the PTAG() is no longer required for the GET_PROP* macros (but is still allowed).
    • Setting property defaults has been deprecated.
    • All properties defined for a type tag can now be printed. Also, their value and the location in the source where they where specified is included in the output.
  • Using quadruple precision math has been made possible for GCC 4.6 or newer:
    • To use it, the configure option '--enable-quad' needs to be added and the type of scalar values needs to be changed to 'quad'. This can be done in the problem file using

      SET_TYPE_PROP(YourProblemTypeTag, Scalar, quad);

      It should be noted, that performance is very poor when using quadruple precision arithmetic. This feature is primarily meant as a debugging tool to quickly check whether there are machine precision related convergence problems.