- Jan 08, 2016
Thomas Fetzer authored
Thomas Fetzer authored
[multidomain] Various small cleanups, remove unnecessary/potentially buggy lines of code, add useMoles.
Thomas Fetzer authored
Thomas Fetzer authored
Note: this leads to a change how to set boundary conditions for the momentum balance. Inflow now becomes Dirichlet and Outflow becomes Neumann. This is consistent with the new notation.
Thomas Fetzer authored
Thomas Fetzer authored
Thomas Fetzer authored
Thomas Fetzer authored
Thomas Fetzer authored
- Dec 17, 2015
Thomas Fetzer authored
Thomas Fetzer authored
[problem] Move isCornerPoint() to more upstream position, because it may be used in other circumstances, too.
Thomas Fetzer authored
[multidomain,BeaversJoseph] Use BJCoeff() from the Darcy spatial parameters which is more meaningful. This includes proper warnings and removal of the SpatialParams objects.
Thomas Fetzer authored
Thomas Fetzer authored
- removed TODOs in deprecated functions - add use of shared pointer (in multidomainmodel.hh and multidomainconvergencewriter.hh) - adapt to nonlinear, common classes - adjust indentation (which changed due to removal of tabs) - adapt doxygen docu
- Dec 15, 2015
Thomas Fetzer authored
This time: - deprecated old coupling12() and coupling21() and replaced them by one coupling() - try to group boundary condition types - unified naming and steps how fluxes are calculated (nothing new was added) - further replacing _s, _n by 1, 2 boundaryLayerModel: spurious changes in (~4% for 1e-11 and 1% for 1e-9 in velocity)
Thomas Fetzer authored
Thomas Fetzer authored
Thomas Fetzer authored
This has the following advantages: - reuse the BL model in the non-isothermal case - possible move of the functions to more problem specific place (due to the use of runtime parameters) - better comparison of what is actually done in the code Update reference solution, because for the BL Model the gas viscosity from Darcy was used.
Thomas Fetzer authored
Thomas Fetzer authored
[multidomain,Beavers-Joseph] Move evalBeaversJoseph to LOP which prevents a reimplementation in the non-isothermal coupling local residual. Move beaversJospehCoeff to SpatialParamters, where it belongs. Changes in reference solution was triggered, comments see below. 2cstokes2p2c: Checked storage.out (e.g. the evaporation rate): - changes were lass than 1 per mile. Checked vertical velocity profiles in the middle of the domain: - v_0: no visible difference - v_1: main deviation (5%) in middle, where the profile is oscillating anyway and NOT at the interface Checked horizontal velocity profiles: - v_0: small differences towards the outflow boundary - v_1: difference during the profile development 2cnizeroeq2p2cni (freeflow): Checked vertical velocity profiles in the middle of the domain: - v_0: no visible difference - v_1: no visible difference Checked horizontal velocity profiles: - v_0: no visible difference - v_1: small differences towards the outflow boundary 2cnizeroeq2p2cni (porousmedium): Checked vertical velocity profiles in the middle of the domain: - v_0: no visible difference - v_1: very small deviation towards the interface (3%)
- Dec 14, 2015
Thomas Fetzer authored
Thomas Fetzer authored
Integrated evalCouplingVertexFunction into evalBoundary. Adjusted the difference in the coupling boundary handling between isothermal and non-isothermal case. Removed very potentially never used portion of code.
Thomas Fetzer authored
[2cstokes2p2c,2cnistokes2p2cni] Remove not maintained and potentially very model specific output of fluxes.
Thomas Fetzer authored
[localresiduals] Remove duplicate and wrongly documented evaluation functions, which have only been used for output purposes.
- Dec 11, 2015
Thomas Fetzer authored
Save in runtime (old: 600s, new: 120s)
Thomas Fetzer authored
Thomas Fetzer authored
[boundarytypes,non-isothermal] Revert boundarytypes to almost original state (see below), update the non-isothermal models and reference solutions. Problems occured if the boundary types are herited or more precise the problem was to reset out of the parent class the boundary types from the childs classes.
Thomas Fetzer authored
Thomas Fetzer authored
[boundaryconditions,stokes2csubproblem] Apply changes for the boundary condition names to the Stokes2c side removed unused boundary condition flags.
Thomas Fetzer authored
- Dec 10, 2015
Thomas Fetzer authored
Small cleanup, removal of unused code and Mortar.
Thomas Fetzer authored
Removed code for the treatment of corners at the coupling/outer boundary edge. The code was very different between isothermal and non-isothermal case. The per-se more used and more trustworthy non-isothermal case had some contradicting if clauses. However in most cases used at the LH2 this part of code remains unused.
- Dec 09, 2015
Christoph Grüninger authored
Feature/colebrookwhiteboundarylayer See merge request !30
Thomas Fetzer authored
Thomas Fetzer authored
- Dec 08, 2015
Christoph Grüninger authored
[linear] remove self-written parallel linear solvers In dumux/linear/boxlinearsolver.hh, there are several linear solver backends which use "self-written" infrastructure for parallel runs from several files in dumux/linear. Deprecate those solvers and the infrastructure files due to the following reasons: - The parallelism is restricted to box. - The iteration counts deteriorate with growing process numbers. - The code is hard to maintain or to generalize. - We have the general / rather robust / mostly upstream-maintained AMGBackend. Use the corresponding sequential solvers from seqsolverbackend.hh by default and in the serial tests. This implements FS#293. See merge request !28
Bernd Flemisch authored
Bernd Flemisch authored
In dumux/linear/boxlinearsolver.hh, there are several linear solver backends which use "self-written" infrastructure for parallel runs from several files in dumux/linear. Deprecate those solvers and the infrastructure files due to the following reasons: - The parallelism is restricted to box. - The iteration counts deteriorate with growing process numbers. - The code is hard to maintain or to generalize. - We have the general / rather robust / mostly upstream-maintained AMGBackend. Use the corresponding sequential solvers from seqsolverbackend.hh by default and in the serial tests. This implements FS#293.
Christoph Grüninger authored
Feature/various small fixes See merge request !29
Thomas Fetzer authored