- Jan 13, 2016
Timo Koch authored
The dune macro used to add the target only adds it if doxygen was found. Then the target was not know in add_custom_command which is an error in CMake > v3.2.
- Jan 12, 2016
Thomas Fetzer authored
Feature/doxyref See merge request !39
Thomas Fetzer authored
Kilian Weishaupt authored
Bernd Flemisch authored
Cleanup/multidomain One try to cleanup, unify, and purge the multidomain models by: - removing duplicate code - avoiding unnecessary subfunctions - consistent procedure in isothermal and non-isothermal models - adding warnings for undesired use (e.g. useMoles, not defined BC) - speed up the tests See merge request !38
- Jan 08, 2016
Thomas Fetzer authored
Thomas Fetzer authored
[multidomain] Various small cleanups, remove unnecessary/potentially buggy lines of code, add useMoles.
Thomas Fetzer authored
Thomas Fetzer authored
Note: this leads to a change how to set boundary conditions for the momentum balance. Inflow now becomes Dirichlet and Outflow becomes Neumann. This is consistent with the new notation.
Thomas Fetzer authored
Thomas Fetzer authored
Thomas Fetzer authored
Thomas Fetzer authored
Thomas Fetzer authored
- Jan 07, 2016
Larissa de Vries authored
Christoph Grüninger authored
Feature/preconditionerblocklevel Add a new property LinearSolverPreconditionerBlockLevel that sets the block level (in case of nesting of blocks) to be inverted by the preconditioner. Defaults to 1. Needed for matrices for coupled matrices. See merge request !37
The blocklevel parameter to preconditioners defaults to 1. For higher nested block matrices e.g. matrices for coupled problems the blocklevel needs to be higher. This can now be set via the property LinearSolverPreconditionerBlockLevel.
Christoph Grüninger authored
- Jan 06, 2016
Timo Koch authored
The test has to have a main function. The test should be skipped if pdelab is not present.
- Jan 02, 2016
Larissa de Vries authored
- Dec 22, 2015
Larissa de Vries authored
- Dec 21, 2015
Larissa de Vries authored
- Dec 18, 2015
Kilian Weishaupt authored
In the section where the assembly of the linear system is explained, the RHS of the linear system should be the residual r(u) and not the primary variable u itself. It should read J(u)*x=r(u).
Larissa de Vries authored
- Dec 17, 2015
Thomas Fetzer authored
Feature/drop constexpr check See merge request !33
Christoph Grüninger authored
Christoph Grüninger authored
We require GCC 4.8, the feature is supported since GCC 4.6
Thomas Fetzer authored
Thomas Fetzer authored
[problem] Move isCornerPoint() to more upstream position, because it may be used in other circumstances, too.
Thomas Fetzer authored
[multidomain,BeaversJoseph] Use BJCoeff() from the Darcy spatial parameters which is more meaningful. This includes proper warnings and removal of the SpatialParams objects.
Thomas Fetzer authored
Thomas Fetzer authored
- removed TODOs in deprecated functions - add use of shared pointer (in multidomainmodel.hh and multidomainconvergencewriter.hh) - adapt to nonlinear, common classes - adjust indentation (which changed due to removal of tabs) - adapt doxygen docu
- Dec 15, 2015
Thomas Fetzer authored
This time: - deprecated old coupling12() and coupling21() and replaced them by one coupling() - try to group boundary condition types - unified naming and steps how fluxes are calculated (nothing new was added) - further replacing _s, _n by 1, 2 boundaryLayerModel: spurious changes in (~4% for 1e-11 and 1% for 1e-9 in velocity)
Thomas Fetzer authored
Thomas Fetzer authored
Thomas Fetzer authored
This has the following advantages: - reuse the BL model in the non-isothermal case - possible move of the functions to more problem specific place (due to the use of runtime parameters) - better comparison of what is actually done in the code Update reference solution, because for the BL Model the gas viscosity from Darcy was used.
Thomas Fetzer authored