- Nov 03, 2015
Christoph Grüninger authored
Timo Koch authored
The check was turned on for debug purposes and exited with an error if the same parameter was read into object of different type. This is not an error. For reading vectors it is even an important feature that it's possible to read it into different types of containers depending on the usage. Reviewed by martins
- Oct 29, 2015
Thomas Fetzer authored
[math] (Re-)implement cross product in 2d/3d This makes the old cross-product more efficient. The old version initialized a FieldVector with zeros and then filled it. The new version builds it's directly using consise bracket notation. The result can be moved without creating a copy. Implement a cross product in 2d that returns a scalar. Not mathematically clean but still useful. 2d and 3d cross products now explicitly only work in 2d and 3d. Other dimensions will trigger a compiler error. See merge request !14
Bernd Flemisch authored
Feature/externalscript Unfortunately this contains some other commits which should have gone directly to master. I apologize for this mistake. See merge request !12
Timo Koch authored
This makes the old cross-product more efficient. The old version initialized a FieldVector with zeros and then filled it. The new version builds it's directly using consise bracket notation. The result can be moved without creating a copy. Implement a cross product in 2d that returns a scalar. Not mathematically clean but still useful. 2d and 3d cross products now explicitly only work in 2d and 3d. Other dimensions will trigger a compiler error.
Thomas Fetzer authored
[gnuplot] Do not set terminal as default Gnuplot will pick a default terminal itself. If you change the number of plotting windows a terminal has to be specified. If not specified by the user the default is x11. See merge request !13
Thomas Fetzer authored
Timo Koch authored
Gnuplot will pick a default terminal itself. If you change the number of plotting windows a terminal has to be specified. If not specified by the user the default is x11.
Thomas Fetzer authored
- Oct 28, 2015
Thomas Fetzer authored
Thomas Fetzer authored
Thomas Fetzer authored
Thomas Fetzer authored
- Oct 22, 2015
Martin Schneider authored
[material,decoupled] add partial and vapor pressure functions The convenience functions for partial pressure and vapor pressure are helpful for calculating the relative humidity. There is now also a new function for setting the relative humidity instead of the mass or mole fractions. This makes life much easier, when working together with people from atmospheric science. See merge request !11
Thomas Fetzer authored
[material] Introduce check if phase is gas, remove unused function in immiscible fluidstate, and cosmetic changes
Martin Schneider authored
Mobility output for decoupled models has been added. Therefore, the corresponding reference files have changed. Reviewed by Thomas
Thomas Fetzer authored
Thomas Fetzer authored
reviewed gruenich
Thomas Fetzer authored
The convenience functions for partial pressure and vapor pressure are helpful for calculating the relative humidity. There is now also a new function for setting the relative humidity instead of the mass or mole fractions. This makes life much easier, when working together with people from atmospheric science.
- Oct 21, 2015
Holger Class authored
Holger Class authored
- Oct 19, 2015
Christoph Grüninger authored
Use dune-ALUGrid instead. (reviewed and improved by timok)
Christoph Grüninger authored
(reviewed by martinb)
Martin Beck authored
TypeTag replaces GridView and Scalar as template arguments boundaryTypes and neumann function with vertex as input are not needed boundaryTypes and neumann function with globalPos as input are renamed into ..AtPos (reviewed by martins)
Christoph Grüninger authored
Follow naming scheme from Dune and use index and subIndex instead. (reviewed by martinb)
Christoph Grüninger authored
- Oct 16, 2015
Bernd Flemisch authored
Feature/use range for Whereever possible, replace all entity/intersection iterator loops by range-for-loops. See merge request !9
Bernd Flemisch authored
In the LocalResiduals, there are several protected functions taking an IntersectionIterator, void eval...(const IntersectionIterator &isIt, In order to be callable with an (address of an) intersection, the explicit requirement on the type IntersectionIterator has been relaxed: template<class InetrsectionIterator> void eval...(const IntersectionIterator &isIt, In a future steps these functions will be deprecated and replaced by equivalents that take intersection objects. Discussed with and approved by Christoph.
Bernd Flemisch authored
Bernd Flemisch authored
Bernd Flemisch authored
Calls like const auto& element = *gridView.template begin<0>(); result in element referencing a temporary. Use a copy instead: const auto element = *gridView.template begin<0>();
Bernd Flemisch authored
Bernd Flemisch authored
For the adaptive decoupled models, several loops could not be adapted. In particular, incrementation of iterators is used not only for loop steering. Moreover, iterators are explicitly stored.
- Oct 14, 2015
Bernd Flemisch authored
Some tests still use the GridView's begin method explicitly in order to obtain the first element with which some calculations are performed. It should be evaluated if this can be circumvented.
Bernd Flemisch authored
As for other LocalResiduals, IntersectionIterators could not be eliminated from the Stokesnc(ni)CouplingLocalResiduals, since they are used as parameters for functions.
Bernd Flemisch authored
Bernd Flemisch authored
Bernd Flemisch authored