Add a function to return component vapor pressure in 1p adapter 6 of 6 checklist items completed!3891 3.10
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- 17
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Permeability upscaling test with averaging 7 of 9 checklist items completed!3160 3.10
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- 29
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Extending the coupling conditions between ff and pnm to include energy and compositional coupling conditions 6 of 6 checklist items completed!3659 3.10
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- 88
- 1
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[cleanup] Use same errors in writing log and csv files 0 of 8 checklist items completed
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- 7
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Include gravity impact on the pressure at the boundary 6 of 6 checklist items completed
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- 16
- 1
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Add transient tests for boundary coupling freeflow-pnm and freeflow-pm 6 of 6 checklist items completed
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- 48
- 1
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- 8
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Generalize Slip Condition 2 of 3 checklist items completed!3762 3.9
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- 26
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[facecentered][convexcorner] fix the local Index logic 6 of 6 checklist items completed
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- 22
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Darcy-Brinkman model 6 of 6 checklist items completed!3715 3.9
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- 57
- 1
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Resolve "[frictionlaws] Roughnessheight calculation in friction laws" 11 of 11 checklist items completed!3405
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- 1
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- 3
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- 21
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- 2